Monday 2 April 2018

Sistema de negociações ace

Ace of Trades.

Ace of Trades.

Esta é uma discussão sobre Ace of Trades dentro dos fóruns da Trading Systems, parte da categoria Methods; Quantos de vocês estão familiarizados com o Ace of Trades? Ele está por aí há anos promovendo um muito preciso.

O nome do cara é Kevin Kelly e ele é baseado fora do Canadá.

Ace como ele é chamado está se sentindo em um determinado dia.

Você é deixado por conta própria para tentar descobrir o que diabos você pagou alguns grandes para.

frustrado e irritado que você não está recebendo o que você pagou.

Ace Trades Review.

Leia o feedback dos nossos membros do Ace Trades.

e veja por si mesmo o que os membros do Ace devem fazer.

dizer e como eles se tornaram bem sucedidos!

Quer se tornar um membro do Ace Trades?

vá para acetrades para mais informações!

Feedback dos membros.

“Meu objetivo era fazer 800 pontos; Excedeu essa expectativa e fez 2000 pontos em menos de um ano ”

Eu sou um operador ativo há alguns anos. Eu estava constantemente perdendo grandes oscilações do mercado devido ao medo, eu estava preocupado que eu não tivesse o risco definido. Muitas vezes quando eu estava negociando intraday eu senti atrás nas configurações, eu iria ter lucros muito cedo ou deixá-los por muito tempo e parar.

Eu entrei em outras salas que usavam o Perfil de Volume, o bate-papo com o Google Footprint e o Perfil de mercado; mas quando se tratava de um mercado em movimento acelerado, tudo parecia desmoronar. Com o perfil de volume, nem sempre é fácil localizar uma parada que pode estar longe de um local de entrada, tendo mais riscos no comércio.

Eu entrei na Acetrades, fiz mais de 40 pontos em 2 dias como novo membro! O método Ace parece natural. Aprender o método de 9 chaves oferece entradas bem definidas, pontos restritos e objetivos de lucro lógicos. As 9 chaves facilitam o trabalho e criam planos de pré-mercado. É claramente uma abordagem vencedora! Nos meus primeiros quatro meses, fiz 345 pontos com apenas um dia negativo. Depois de apenas quatro meses aprendendo o sistema Ace Trades e ouvindo comentários diários, eu agora sou um operador independente e utilizo o sistema Ace Trades para negociar o European Open. Meu objetivo era fazer 800 pontos; Excedeu essa expectativa e fez 2000 pontos em menos de um ano!

“Você oferece um serviço que eu acredito ser melhor do que qualquer coisa lá fora e ainda assim você permanece acessível e carinhoso”

Então eu assisti várias de suas sessões diárias de negociação ao vivo e fiquei impressionado. Eu estou com você há mais de 10 meses e estou mais impressionada do que nunca. Eu quero falar sobre minhas opiniões em seu sistema, mas primeiro, devo dizer um pouco sobre minhas impressões sobre você. Você, para mim, foi como uma lufada de ar fresco. Você está de pé. Você oferece um serviço que eu acredito ser melhor do que qualquer coisa lá fora e ainda assim você permanece acessível e atencioso. Eu também gosto da sua leveza durante as sessões. O dinheiro é um negócio sério, mas você também pode ser divertido e não à custa dos outros. Em outras palavras, Ace, eu me tornei um grande fã de você como pessoa. Eu gosto muito de todas as suas sessões. Você é um ato de classe.

Eu também quero comentar sobre o sistema que você desenvolveu. Primeiro comentário Excelente! Período. Eu sinceramente não consigo pensar em como alguém poderia melhorar seu sistema. Eu lhe dou elogios totais por ter a coragem de descobrir tudo isso, por compartilhá-lo e pelo consistente treinamento de alta qualidade que você prova. Em todas as categorias, você se destaca. Quando o seu epitáfio é finalmente escrito, é melhor que seja bom.

Apenas alguns comentários sobre o desempenho técnico do sistema que são muito importantes para mim:

- Identifica o lado direito do comércio.

- Tem um risco de entrada predefinido extremamente razoável.

- Reduz o risco o mais rápido possível (super importante para mim).

- Permite diferentes estilos de negociação (swing, couro cabeludo, gerenciamento de tamanho de lote)

- extremo (na minha opinião) recompensa / ração de risco.

Isso também deve ser muito melhor no negócio - WOW.

Eu sei, existem algumas jogadas de opções (home runs) que podem ser altamente lucrativas.

- Eu tenho um plano claro para as metas de entrada e saída - às vezes para o dia inteiro.

- Com alta probabilidade, eu sei quando reverter. Enorme benefício. Baixo risco.

- Plano de gerenciamento de dinheiro claro e totalmente factível.

- Comercializa o mercado nos dois sentidos.

A melhor maneira de dizer isso pode ser - Negocia na direção que o mercado quer ir.

O que eu poderia pensar com base em notícias diárias não significa nada.

- Eu gosto de um gráfico organizado.

Bem, isso é um pouco mais do que eu pretendia, mas eu só queria que você soubesse um pouco sobre mim, que eu ainda estou aqui fora, e tenho muito apreço por quem você é, o que você fez e como você me ajuda diariamente.

Com o maior dos agradecimentos, Eric -2014.

"Melhor investimento que já fiz."

Ás. É hora de dar um relatório. Eu estou no Ace Trades há mais de 3 anos. O sistema realizou o mesmo no dia 1 e o mesmo no dia 1000. Dia após dia ainda posso depender dos sinais. Isso fez o mundo da diferença para mim como um comerciante. A maioria dos comerciantes se esforça para entender todas as informações que eles acham que precisam saber. Eu não faço mais. Eu tenho o sistema Ace. Isso mantém o mercado simples para mim, já que não procuro mais por cada reviravolta. O material importante é apontado claramente e eu sei o que fazer. O sistema pode não ter mudado, mas eu certamente tenho. Eu faço muito bem em negociar agora. Eu posso negociar sozinho. O medo é uma coisa do passado. Eu continuo a ir às aulas de vez em quando, apenas para renovar minhas habilidades. Muito parecido com treinamento para ser um jogador da NFL ou NHL. Não conheço nenhum outro programa que me permita ficar na sala, receber treinamento, receber chamadas todas de uma só vez. Melhor investimento que já fiz. Estou ansioso para negociar com você no próximo ano.

"Eu aprendo mais em um dia do que em um mês.

em qualquer outro lugar. Realmente excelente! "

Obrigado por todo o ótimo tempo de aula e comentários sobre os mercados. De todas as salas de comércio que eu já vi, bem, elas são todas apenas aspirantes se comparadas a Ace Trades.

Você é um comentário claro e conciso sobre as melhores entradas e objetivos de alta probabilidade que são os melhores que já vi. O tempo de aula com gráficos e tabelas oferecidos durante as horas de mercado e comentários estão iluminando a verdadeira mecânica do processo de leilão de mercado. Eu aprendo mais em um dia do que em um mês em qualquer outro lugar. Verdadeiramente excepcional! E nunca termina, dia após dia, você fornece excelentes comentários de mercado, leitura de gráficos, lições, gerenciamento de riscos e estratégia de plano de negócios.

Começando como um pequeno operador de mercado, espero estar no Ace Trades, aprendendo e crescendo para o resto dos meus dias. Obrigado por todo o conhecimento e tempo que você compartilha conosco todos os dias.

"Meus lucros semanais aumentaram.

cerca de 39% nestes 30 dias "

Ás. Eu queria lhe dar uma nota rápida para dizer o quanto o sistema Ace mudou e melhorou minha negociação. Em apenas alguns meses, minha negociação se transformou de um sistema baseado em indicadores que foi muito bom em me dizer o que já havia acontecido no mercado para um sistema que me permite entender completamente o que está acontecendo no mercado em tempo real. Com conhecimento avançado de onde as principais áreas de preço dos mercados serão, o potencial para o comércio e as metas esperadas.

Meus lucros semanais aumentaram em cerca de 39% nesses 30 dias, mas o mais importante para mim é que o meu comércio assumiu um sentido muito maior de ordem e controle e reduziu dez vezes o meu envolvimento emocional.

Obrigado por ter tanto tempo para ensinar o sistema e o real do mercado. Estou ansioso para fazer parte deste grande grupo de pessoas por um longo tempo. Com tanta confusão sendo lançada todos os dias por muitos fornecedores e "especialistas", você é uma lufada de ar fresco e eu valorizo ​​minha associação com você e com toda a equipe do Ace Trades.

Obrigado, Mark B -2014.

"Este sistema tornou totalmente minha negociação mais.

rentável em um mês curto ".

Eu tenho negociado índices por 8 anos, eu gastei mais de US $ 20.000 mil em educação. E foi apenas um pouco lucrativo. Estou terminando meu primeiro mês com o sistema Ace. As chamadas na sala têm sido consistentemente lucrativas por 5 a 20 pontos. Levei cerca de 3 semanas para entender as chaves para que eu pudesse negociar sozinha. Eu troquei sim até que eu pudesse ser rentável vendo as minhas próprias chaves. Agora estou negociando ao vivo e rentável. O fato de podermos negociar o risco de 75 no ES é inédito. Eu tenho negociado 3 pontos de parada completa em índices. Este sistema tornou totalmente minha negociação mais lucrativa em um mês curto.

Estou ansioso para negociar este sistema por muitos anos com bons depósitos em minha conta bancária.

Obrigado, Richard S. -2014.

"Estou cada vez mais impressionado."

Ás. Cada dia minha confiança cresce. Não tenho certeza como você começou hoje. como você definiu, um caçador, mas estou cada vez mais impressionado. Tendo sido queimado no passado, eu me tornei cético, mas, como mencionado, a confiança está crescendo. Eu terminei a semana forte (não tão boa quanto as suas ligações com cerca de 6 pontos por dia), mas negociei pequenas (1 lote) com uma pequena conta até me sentir mais confiante.

Mantenha o bom trabalho e obrigado pela sua vontade de compartilhar.

Melhor, George M. abril de 2014.

"Eu não sou nada menos do que me surpreender e me surpreender"

Oi Ace Obrigado por deixar os pequenos entrarem no jogo de negociação de futuros. Eu tenho negociado futuros por cerca de 8 anos sem muita consistência e resultados positivos. Há tantas lutas com os sistemas que usei antes e a maioria dos sistemas que usei não duram muito. Desde que participei do seu programa Ace, eu não sou nada menos do que me surpreender e me surpreender. O seu Sistema de Trocas Ace entrega dia após dia com pelo menos 5 pontos por dia.

Seu sistema é o mais longo que já usei e acho que vou continuar com ele até que não haja mais mercados para negociar mais. Ele funciona em todos os mercados, desde que possamos mapeá-los. É tão poderoso em sua simplicidade. Não há mais horas e horas de estudo. Apenas treinando minha mente e meus olhos para ver o potencial de 9 chaves a cada dia e levar o comércio sem medo.

É muito mais difícil desaprender todas as informações inúteis que aprendi nos últimos oito anos do que aprender seu sistema. No passado, muita negociação é baseada no medo e na mentalidade de escalpelamento, que é tão difícil de se livrar dela. Entretanto, com tempo e trabalho árduo, espero ser capaz de enxergar com a mesma clareza e clareza como você fez dia após dia, e ter a confiança que você exibiu dia após dia.

Muito obrigado por compartilhar seu sistema com aqueles que estão dispostos e capazes de lucrar com sua generosidade. É um pequeno preço a pagar pelo seu sistema por uma vida inteira de independência e independência da corrida dos ratos. De fato, a prosperidade existe para todos, com o seu Ace Trades System, é claro.

Atenciosamente, Jeff - 2014.

"Eu gostaria de ter encontrado você cinco anos atrás, então não o fiz.

tem muito lixo para limpar. "

É incrível ver o que você ensina tocar repetidas vezes. Pode soar engraçado, mas não consigo decidir do que gosto mais, seu senso de humor tirando sarro dos indicadores e do seu estilo de ensino, ou ganhando dinheiro usando as chaves do Ás. Engraçado como alguns dos outros sistemas que eu usei não foram negociados nas sextas-feiras, ou alimentados dias ou dias de rollover, ou em torno de anúncios e do aberto. Então, eu continuo esperando que nós paremos de negociar ou desligue ou desligue, mas as malditas teclas Ace continuam funcionando e funcionando. Qualquer dia, qualquer hora, qualquer mercado. Ainda é difícil trabalhar com esses maus hábitos e expectativas. Eu gostaria de ter encontrado você cinco anos atrás, então eu não tive muito lixo para limpar.

Eu continuo dizendo a amigos para se inscrever para o julgamento, mas até agora eles são todos de frango. Tenha um ótimo fim de semana.

Atenciosamente, Joe Talerico -2014.

"O treinamento é excelente sem desperdício de tempo,

apenas carne e batatas ".

Só foi no quarto uma semana, mas começando a ver as chaves como elas se desdobram. Eu não acreditava que se pudesse negociar sem indicadores, mas agora estou vendo o mercado se desdobrar de acordo com o sistema-chave. É incrível - não posso esperar até ter mais sessões de treinamento no meu currículo. Eu estou realmente começando a ver o poder do sistema Ace. O treinamento é excelente - sem desperdício de tempo, apenas carne e batatas. Eu sinto aquela empolgação antiga em negociar voltando para mim.

“Em duas classes, consegui ler o arquivo.

mercado melhor do que nunca ”

Eu tive muitas classes de negociação e nenhuma delas se compara a Ace Trades. Em duas classes eu pude ler o mercado melhor do que nunca. Estou mais confiante e, pela primeira vez, posso realmente ver um futuro na negociação diária. Obrigado Ace, eu já disse isso antes, mas aqui é mais uma vez, você é o melhor.

“Seu sistema é como o mercado realmente funciona”

Pelo que eu vi e aprendi até agora no último mês é verdade, seu sistema é como o mercado realmente funciona, suas chaves dão um trabalho de estrutura estruturada no mercado sem elas, parece caótico, e a teoria dá a compreensão do porquê o mercado faz o que faz. Juntos, eles vão me dar a confiança para negociá-lo ao vivo (eu não negociei em 4,5 anos), como eu não encontrei um sistema que eu acredito o suficiente para arriscar dinheiro real.

Eu tenho uma conta real totalmente financiada, por isso é só uma questão de clicar em um botão na minha plataforma de negociação. Eu comprei dezenas de sistemas e indicadores nos últimos 4,5 anos desde que eu decidi aprender como negociar o SE que eu sinto nos próximos meses aprendendo e praticando o que fiz.

Ansioso para aprender mais nas próximas semanas e meses vindouros.

“Eu nunca teria acreditado nisso, se não tivesse testemunhado isso sozinho! "

Já se passou um mês desde que me tornei um membro do Ace Trades Diamond. Estou extremamente satisfeito que você tenha entregue em termos de precisão e lucros comerciais.

Um mês curto em sua sala de negociação, não só eu testemunhei você chamando de operações ao vivo, muitos com 5 pontos, 10 pontos, mesmo com 20 pontos vencedores e seu stop-loss são muito pequenos. em algumas ocasiões, você chamou um stop loss de ONE TICK. Por exemplo, você disse "curto em 1.884,00 & amp; risco em 1.884,25" e foi um vencedor de vários pontos. Eu nunca teria acreditado nisso, se não tivesse testemunhado isso sozinho!

O Ace Trades System também nos ensina traders de lotes múltiplos, como eu, a obter lucros parciais antecipadamente. Mesmo que você já tenha "Identificado um objetivo de menor lucro". Como você costuma dizer "Comerciantes de vários lotes, tire metade do dinheiro agora!" Isso é bom gerenciamento de dinheiro!

Como resultado de sua Orientação, Ace Trades System e os comércios ao vivo que coloquei ao lado de você. Meu um mês de lucros são: aprox. Vitórias líquidas de US $ 20.000 menos US $ 3.000 eliminaram perdas = US $ 17.000 de lucro líquido. Minha porcentagem de vencimento de perto de 90%. Surpreendente!!

Muito obrigado por compartilhar seu incrível sistema de comércios Ace!

Seu humilde estudante, V MacAllister - maio de 2014.

“Pela primeira vez em muito tempo, sinta isso.

Eu serei um trader muito bem sucedido ”

Eu queria enviar um e-mail curto sobre minha experiência com Ace Trades até agora. Primeiro de tudo, um pouco de fundo. Trabalhei no CBOE por mais de 25 anos (trabalhei no pregão antes de a opção Put ter sido inventada!), Era Market Maker no pregão, negociada em uma sala de negociação profissional e era Diretora de Operações em várias corretoras lá em baixo. . Isso pode explicar uma boa parte do motivo pelo qual minha negociação estava tão complicada antes de encontrar o Ace Trades!

A coisa mais difícil sobre suas chaves é esquecer toda a porcaria que eu usei antes. Mantenha-o simples e estúpido (KISS) e siga suas chaves, e o sucesso encontrará o caminho para você. Pouco antes de encontrá-lo, perdi US $ 10.000 em uma conta de opção direcionada, porque o chamado gênio da opção continuava vendendo títulos de mercado, pensando que poderia ser mais esperto do que o mercado. Quando isso aconteceu, foi por pura sorte, e ele geralmente dobrou os contratos, tentando acertar o Grand Slam. Deu tudo de volta, e depois alguns, claro. Eu paguei provavelmente 3-4 vezes isso em outros cursos sem valor. Lembre-se, não apenas comprando o curso, mas trocando-o! Me custou 10 de milhares de dólares e me deu pesadelos!

Como você sabe, eu tenho problemas de saúde, e então eu tive que cortar caminho de volta na minha negociação. Isso, combinado com o tempo gasto para aprender as Chaves, e não forçar os negócios, tem sido uma dádiva de Deus. Se o comércio não estiver lá, não faça nada! Nenhum outro curso vai te dizer isso! Isso economiza milhares ali mesmo! Um plano de negócios real que descreve o gerenciamento de riscos em um formato fácil de entender! Nenhum outro curso faz isso! E aulas ao vivo! Não no meu fim de semana! Fantástico!

Estou tomando meu tempo com as suas Chaves, aprendendo alguma coisa toda vez que frequento a sala de operações ao vivo ou uma de nossas aulas, e pela primeira vez em muito tempo, sinto que serei um trader muito bem-sucedido. Eu tenho que agradecer por isso. Obrigado por todo o trabalho que você dedicou ao desenvolvimento deste excelente curso e, especialmente, obrigado por compartilhá-lo conosco.

Obrigado novamente. Matt Donahue. - Março 2014.

"Você esclareceu a bagunça em que eu estava anteriormente"

Apenas um grande obrigado por ter repassado suas informações para que eu e outros membros ouvintes finalmente ouçam e aprendam a ler mercados com mais clareza. Especialmente tendo passado muito tempo em outro quarto no passado, como tenho certeza que outros também experimentaram. Pode demorar um pouco para finalmente "jogar fora" a mentalidade antiga e hábitos que foram a maior limitação para o meu comércio, quando na verdade pensando que eu estava indo na direção certa. Agora você esclareceu a bagunça em que eu estava anteriormente, mas totalmente e inconsciente por causa de todas as distrações com as quais eu estava complicando. Todos os dias vejo as chaves se desdobrarem como são ensinadas. Ace Trades é exatamente o nome certo, não só você lida com ases, mas também serve dia após dia. Este é o lugar para estar!

"Eu não tenho dúvidas de que os negócios da Ace me curarão de ser um trader perdedora e me colocarão no caminho do sucesso"

Só queria que você soubesse como estou feliz em me juntar e aprender o sistema Ace. Eu tenho assistido os vídeos que você me enviou mais e mais. Então eu continuo abrindo gráficos diferentes e olhando para trás para ver como as teclas do Ás se estabelecem e eu fico impressionado como isso acontece uma e outra vez. Estou me divertindo muito re-aprendendo a negociar. Eu realmente gostaria de te encontrar quando comecei a negociar. Além de aprender o caminho certo para o comércio, eu ainda tenho que desaprender meus erros, maus hábitos e erros emocionais. Não tenho dúvidas de que os negócios da Ace me curarão de ser um trader perdedora e me colocarão no caminho do sucesso. Nunca antes vi um sistema tão preciso com tanto potencial positivo e tão limitado lado negativo. Além disso, o seu comentário e estilo de ensino divertido valem o preço da entrada por si só. Estou ansioso para ser um comerciante Ace bem sucedido e membro vitalício. E, sem piada, eu me vejo cantando a música yodel durante todo o dia. Obrigado por ampliar meus horizontes em mais de uma maneira.

Atenciosamente, Joe T. -2014.

“Eu nunca fui tão consistente com isso.

negociando um novo sistema na minha vida ”

Oi Ace - Eu tive um super dia hoje graças a você e seu sistema. Eu tenho 3 straights com o ES e um com o TF, e eu nem conheço todas as regras ainda!

Eu nunca fui tão consistente com a negociação de um novo sistema na minha vida. Estou verdadeiramente espantado. Ansioso para saber mais sobre todas as regras de padrões. Muito obrigado pela oportunidade de aprender este maravilhoso sistema de vocês.

Sally junho -2014.

“O método de negociação mais eficaz do dia.

encontrado em mais de 15 anos de negociação ”

Bom dia Ace,

Seu sistema de probabilidades super altas e baixo risco é facilmente o método de negociação mais eficaz do dia que eu encontrei em mais de 15 anos de negociação. Eu particularmente gosto do fato de você não usar nenhum indicador voltado para trás. Com o seu sistema, o mercado informa o que deseja em tempo real e os negócios se desenrolam com lucratividade consistente. Seu sistema de nove teclas é fácil de aprender porque reflete o fluxo e refluxo diário do mercado e seu ensino em sala de aula é excelente e divertido. A parte que eu mais aprecio é que você explica a ação do preço como está acontecendo para fins de instrução e negociação. Você aponta as chaves à medida que elas se desdobram e essas explicações me mostram como negociar outros mercados fora do horário de aula, porque as chaves se aplicam a qualquer mercado a qualquer hora do dia ou da noite.

Graças à sua ajuda, posso esperar uma aposentadoria segura. Cordialmente,

Chuck S. - março de 2014.

"Se você não consegue explicar, simplesmente não sabe.

entenda que será suficiente "

Albert Einstein disse certa vez: "Se você não consegue explicar, simplesmente não entende o suficiente". Seu treinamento é apresentado com clareza, o que me diz que você realmente sabe do que está falando. Eu comecei a negociar o mercado de S & P em 1987 (vi o crash) e fui alimentado com muita informação ruim. Graças às suas explicações, estou agora começando a "entender" e estou ansioso para aprender todas as chaves e se tornar um vencedor consistente nos mercados. Obrigado.

George M - abril de 2014.

“Eu estou na sua classe há 3 dias e tenho.

aprendi mais do que nos 3 anos anteriores ”

Ás. Eu queria apenas expressar o meu espanto com a maneira como você é capaz de negociar o mercado a partir do preço e do gráfico. Eu entrei em seu quarto e vi alguém que pode realmente dizer o que o mercado está dizendo. Eu tenho visto muitos que elogiaram a leitura de fitas e habilidades de leitura de gráficos apenas para descobrir que eles eram verdadeiros amadores e essas eram pessoas que tinham muitos, muitos anos de experiência no mercado.

Eu já estive no seu quarto e aulas por 3 dias e já aprendi mais do que nos 3 anos anteriores e experimentei um verdadeiro abridor de olhos para a maneira como este mercado realmente funciona. Estou espantado com a forma como você pode tirar de 3 a 10 ou 15 pontos por contrato fora do mercado, com apenas um risco de 3/4 pontos, verdadeiramente surpreendente.

Estou ansioso para muitos anos com você e diria a qualquer um que é sério sobre negociação para olhar para você e a maneira como você ensina e troca e não olha mais longe. Obrigado.

Pete-abril 2014.

"Seu método realmente chamou minha atenção"

Caro ás. Obrigado por um jab muito necessário na parte traseira com uma vara afiada! Seu método realmente chamou minha atenção. Fui exposto a algumas dessas informações na posição de negociação nos últimos anos, mas desta vez é apresentado de uma maneira totalmente nova: uma maneira muito mais clara e mais sensata, juntamente com muitas novas idéias. Suas sessões de aula duas vezes por semana realmente abriram meus olhos para aspectos do mercado que eu nunca havia considerado. E a negociação intradiária comprime a escala de tempo, de modo que os padrões se desdobram muito mais rapidamente, dando um feedback quase imediato. Meus erros rapidamente se tornam aparentes. Eu também aprecio seus lembretes e paciência constantes (um problema particular comigo). A paciência é vital, mas é mais fácil para mim administrar por um período de horas, em vez de dias ou semanas. Estou ansioso por uma associação longa e lucrativa.

Atenciosamente, Dael -2014.

"O objetivo de suas chaves, sua eficiência me convenceu, eu usá-los tanto quanto possível no S & amp; P e Forex"

Apenas uma palavra rápida para agradecer pelo que aprendi com você. O que você ensina me ilumina em um caminho para o comércio que eu queria explorar por um longo tempo.

O objetivo de suas chaves, sua eficiência me convenceu, eu uso-os tanto quanto possível no S & amp; P e Forex, sua compreensão é simples, sua implementação um pouco mais sutil para mim. A barreira do idioma exigiria para mim uma demonstração visual de suas entradas / gerenciamento de risco e saída quando a volatilidade é forte, meu gerenciamento de pedidos permanece difícil às vezes, mas posso ver meu progresso e a consistência da minha negociação está melhorando a cada semana.

Mais uma vez obrigado, Michael - 2014.

“Este é o melhor sistema que já usei.

visto ou usado, muito bastante preço também ”

Bom dia Ace,

Recebi o plano de negócios da sua parte, conforme solicitado. Além disso, tenho usado o seu Ace Trades com instruções verbais por alguns meses. Os comentários ao vivo mais o tempo de aula para os membros é SUPERB. Seu tempo e preço é estranho. Muito preciso. Risco muito baixo Eu tenho negociado Forex e Futuros por cerca de cinco anos, e tenho conseguido ganhar algum dinheiro. Com o seu Ace Trades, minha curva de lucro está melhorando a cada semana. É difícil quebrar velhos hábitos, por isso, às vezes, não aceitei todos os trades criados pela Ace Trades. Usarei o seu sistema mais plenamente a cada semana e esperarei que meus lucros cresçam ainda mais. Este é o melhor sistema que eu já vi ou usei, muito bastante razoável também.

Obrigado Ace por tornar o seu sistema de sucesso o meu sistema de sucesso em tempo integral.

“Eu ganhei mais confiança e conhecimento em 3 classes.

então eu já tive em mais de 5 anos de negociação ”

SIMPLESMENTE INCRÍVEL!! Essa é a única maneira de descrever essa experiência. Seu sistema é incomparável, e eu ganhei mais confiança e conhecimento em 3 classes, então eu já tive em mais de 5 anos de negociação. Sinceramente, pergunto a mim mesmo todos os dias que tipo de pessoa compartilharia esse tipo de conhecimento, não pode ser por falta de dinheiro, mas isso é um testemunho do tipo de pessoa que eu penso que você é. Ace, do fundo do meu coração minha família e eu só quero dizer obrigado. Eu rezo para que possamos nos encontrar no dia, juntamente com agradecimento há um aperto de mão e um abraço à espera.

"Eu sinto que agora estou finalmente no caminho certo para o sucesso"

Eu só queria agradecer por me ensinar sua metodologia. Eu sinto que agora estou finalmente no caminho certo para o sucesso. Com o seu sistema, os gráficos parecem limpos e a estratégia é simples, mas muito eficaz e muito importante, muito lucrativa. Eu recentemente me aposentei e agora a aposentadoria parece ser fantástica. Eu sou feito negociando por 11:00 e pronto para acertar os links. Eu apenas troquei o ES mas sim troquei outros mercados e o sistema funciona como você nos ensina em classe. Obrigado por toda sua ajuda.

Março Dave-Boston março de 2014.

“Eu não posso acreditar que eu uso para negociar sem.

o sistema Ace Trades ”

Oi Ace, Apenas uma nota para que você saiba o quanto eu aprecio o Ace Trades.

Depois de sete meses como membro, não posso acreditar que uso para negociar sem o sistema Ace Trades. O treinamento e os sinais que você fornece regularmente aumentaram minhas habilidades de negociação e os tornaram melhores do que nunca. As novas habilidades que aprendi com o sistema Ace Trades são nada menos que incríveis. Estou ansioso para um relacionamento longo e próspero com você e com o sistema Ace Trades. Obrigado pelo que você faz!

“Seu Ace Trades System é incrível.

A precisão é quase incrível. ”

Apenas uma nota para dizer OBRIGADO!

Seu Ace Trades System é incrível. A precisão é quase incrível. Levei apenas 2 dias para visualizar a sua sala de negociação ao vivo para entender que o Sistema de Trocas Ace é o verdadeiro negócio. Eu não troquei E-minis antes de se inscrever com você, mas agora é tudo o que eu comércio. Suas chamadas de sistema estão no ponto com uma porcentagem de ganho muito alta e grandes ganhos. Quando o sistema faz uma chamada que vai contra nós, as paradas são pequenas e também as perdas. Seu comentário ao vivo é excelente e muito útil para abrir e fechar negócios. A aula de treinamento é excelente e está me ajudando a me tornar mais proficiente em fazer as chamadas certas do que o sistema me diz sobre os gráficos. Eu recomendo o seu serviço altamente. Isso teve um efeito muito positivo na minha conta de corretagem em um curto período de tempo.

Brian-março de 2014.

“Com o método Ace você entra no começo do movimento, isso faz uma enorme diferença”

Eu queria que você soubesse o quanto estou gostando do seu método de negociação. Eu tenho negociado por cerca de 8 anos e tentei muitos indicadores e todos eles têm seus "problemas". Todos os indicadores mostram o que aconteceu, então quando você entra em ação é tarde demais! Com o método Ace você entra no início do movimento, isso faz uma enorme diferença. Eu realmente gosto de grandes alvos e pequenas paradas. Eu tinha ouvido falar que alguns traders negociavam apenas com uma tabela de preços simples, mas eu nunca pude ver como isso era possível. Graças ao seu curso, agora vejo como se faz. Acho as configurações fáceis de ver e de negociar. Suas aulas são diretas e fáceis de entender, e os comentários do mercado ao vivo ajudam a reforçar minhas habilidades. Obrigado novamente,

Chuck - abril de 2014.

"Eu tenho que discordar da nota rápida de Ace em seu site"

Eu tenho negociado com Ace por cerca de 6 meses agora e eu tenho que discordar da "nota rápida" de Ace em seu site, aconselhando-o a verificar todas as outras salas de negociação primeiro e depois voltar e nos ver. Este deve ser o primeiro curso de futuros que você toma. Eu tenho negociado por cerca de 7 anos e futuros exclusivamente para os últimos 4-5 anos. Eu sempre fui lucrativo, mas nunca na medida que desejava. Então eu passei 3 dias na trilha livre de Ace e WOW fiquei impressionado. No entanto, depois de gastar mais de US $ 50.000 em vários cursos de negociação, mentores e salas de negociação, decidi continuar conectando com meu atual conhecimento "superfaturado". Outros 6-8 meses de resultados assim me convenceram a pedir Ace para outro teste gratuito de 3 dias. Mais uma vez fiquei impressionado e decidi morder a bala em outro curso. Os conceitos de Ace são fáceis de entender e implementar, isto é, se você não tiver $ 50.000 de mumbo jumbo flutuando na sua cabeça de cursos anteriores. É por isso que eu digo que deve ser o primeiro curso que você fizer. Levei uma semana ou duas para entender que Ace fez e aprendi suas chaves, mas levou 6 meses para desaprender as muitas "regras" que me dizem para não aceitar um de seus negócios. Eu poderia continuar sobre a minha jornada de negociação, mas deixe-me terminar com "Preço está sempre certo", então se você está confiando em indicadores não, aprenda a ação de preço da Ace.

Dan, Lake Tahoe, abril de 2014.

“Agora, depois de apenas 3 semanas de treinamento,

Eu posso ver as coisas muito mais claras ”

Apenas uma breve nota para agradecer pelo seu treinamento fantástico! Eu passei anos e muito dinheiro em sistemas e treinamento de indicadores - e nada funciona como suas chaves! Eu costumava esperar e esperar e esperar pela combinação perfeita de vários indicadores apenas para ficar parado. Agora, depois de apenas 3 semanas de treinamento, posso ver as coisas muito mais claras. É como se uma lâmpada acendesse minha cabeça. Todos esses indicadores atrasados ​​estavam apenas turvando minha visão. Ver as coisas mais claras também me deixa mais relaxado e facilita muito a negociação. Eu também gosto do humor no seu quarto!

De qualquer forma, só queria que soubesse que estou realmente feliz por ter participado e, embora ainda tenha muito a aprender, estou muito melhor com sua ajuda do que antes.

Mais uma vez obrigado, Lane -2013.

“Eu gostaria de ter feito há muito tempo, eu teria me poupado muito dinheiro com treinamento marginal”

Só queria compartilhar o que aconteceu comigo. Houve um tempo em que pensei que o volume era o principal indicador do que iria acontecer. Então eu olhei para o fluxo de volume do VSA, Mk delta você nomeia. Isso nunca funcionou bem. Nesse meio tempo eu levei um julgamento ou dois com você. Muitas vezes essa curva de volume em que eu estava era exatamente o oposto do que você estava chamando. Como muitos outros comerciantes, eu estava tentando restringir-lhe a mentalidade atual e o que outros como você estavam fazendo. Só o meu não funcionou bem, mas o seu funcionou. Eu poderia talvez obter um ponto em algum aumento de preço, mas você pregou a parte superior e inferior e tem a corrida. De um método baseado em volume, mudei apenas um método de ação de preço. Parou de olhar para o volume todos juntos. A ação do preço funcionou um pouco melhor do que o volume, mas sem grandes tremores. Eu fiz outro teste com você. Eu notei que você era completamente diferente dos outros treinadores, sem indicadores apenas gráfico simples. Agora eu entendo o que faz a ação do preço. Eu aprendi os métodos principais. In fact you only need a couple of these keys in conjunction to trade really well. My friends ask me how big my stop is and when I tell them 3-4 ticks they do not believe me. However it is true. This system has the highest probability rating consistently that I ever seen. So 3-4 ticks is all that is really needed.

I was blessed to find this method, I wish I had done so a long time ago I would have saved myself a lot of money on marginal training. But more importantly I would have not filled my mind with a bunch of useless trading facts which I now have to unlearn.

Regards, Ernie 2012.

“Other programs are pathetic compared.

to the real thing here at Ace Trades”

If anyone is not familiar with your trading room, they are missing the best and only mentorship there is. You will learn to trade and catch moves everyday with actual mentorship. It is like a breath of fresh air, finally a program that really helps you conquer the market movements. Other programs give you ideas of trade odds enhancers, rules to find supply/demand areas and all kinds of tips to trade but to learn you need to follow someone actually making those successful trades on a daily basis. The markets don't always obey these rules.

In Ace's room, everyday you will get the backup support to trade and make money (daily) by following a successful trader enter and exit the market. That is how you learn, by doing with someone who helps you see how to do it live, catching daily market moves.

Ace asks that you learn about market action and how the markets move which by following this site you will learn in time. Other programs are pathetic compared to the real thing here at Ace Trades. I am so glad I have found this room and look forward to continued success in my trading with Ace. Thank you for the real thing Ace.

Kathy Sommer - March 2012.

“I have spent roughly $150,000 on other systems.

I know I am in the right place now”

I am very happy with your system and I find it one of the best programs I have been in. I have spent roughly $150,000 on other systems. I know I am in the right place now. Although I have not have the success I would like to have trading it yet, I know that it is just me not being up to speed yet. The keys are fantastic and I see them but I am always late to the party. I know this will improve with time. Thanks for all your help and support.

“I have traded for many years, this is the first system I have found that is so precise and allows for such tight stops”

I just wanted to let you know that I am finding the Ace Trades methodology easy to understand and execute. The system provides me with the framework that gives unambiguous signals with price targets in many cases before I enter the trade. I really enjoy the daily class time, because it reinforces the various Keys, and they are easy to spot after only a couple of weeks in the program. I have traded for many years, and this is the first system I have found that is so precise and allows for such tight stops.

“One of the best programs I have been in”

I am very happy with your system and I find it one of the best programs I have been in. Although I have not had the success I would like to have trading it yet, I know that it is just me not being up to speed yet. The keys are fantastic and I see them but I am always late to the party. I know this will improve with time. Thanks for all your help and support. Simplicity is the winner!

Cheers Alan - Feb. 2012.

“Best of all your system is often right on the money”

Hi Ace, I just wanted to tell you that I love the simplicity of your trading; enjoy your humor and easy going, respectful manner; and best of all your system is often right on the money. I like knowing when to enter and when to exit a trade and needing only small stops.

I've tried out other systems. They were not nearly as simple and sometimes quite complicated. At least a couple of the moderators in the other rooms were tense and very disrespectful, which made the room uncomfortable and worst of all the accuracy of their calls and teaching style were suspect at best. Not all the rooms I've tried were bad, but Ace your room has got all the best qualities in aces. Thank you for putting this all together.

“I totally enjoy your program and it is what I need to take the trades and keep in them”

Hi Ace, I got a nice chunk of the short today. Good calls - I was trading the ETFs. Next time I will double with the contracts. I totally enjoy your program and it is what I need to take the trades and keep in them. I see moves and do not always take them. You action helps me do more. You get moves and stay away if it not moving right. Seems pretty consistent. I plan on being in this room for a long while. It gets better and better.

“Your approach is truly amazing, easy to understand and execute, and I really like your tight stops strategy”

Hi Ace, Just wanted to send a note of thanks. As you know, I'm new to trading and just wanted to learn how to be a consistently profitable trader. I have searched the web, looking for a good mentor, and found you. Classes have been great and just after a short while; I have much better grasp of the ES market. Your approach is truly amazing, easy to understand and execute, and I really like your tight stops strategy. I hope as time goes on, I will be able to read the price action like you do so well. Obrigado pelo que você faz.

P. S. Please don't climb on any roofs or do anything dangerous.

Steve D. - Feb. 2012.

“At last a complete no-nonsense approach”

Thank you for 3 incredible months!! Day in, day out, week in, week out - At last a complete no-nonsense approach that shows you how to look at the market and project exactly where the market's high probability price targets are waiting. Your key system education has produced consistent results to the tick!! I now have the knowledge and confidence to trade any market any time. You are truly a gifted teacher, thank you for the pleasure and privilege of lifetime membership.

Valerie - April 2011.

“Keep up the great work!”

I too look forward to a long-term relationship with you as well the continued learning I am receiving from the master. Continue com o ótimo trabalho!

“At this rate, I'll have my entire Ace Trades tuition.

recouped less than two weeks!”

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for providing your exceptional educational service. Using your system, I made four trades this morning of five contracts each in the S&P futures (ESZ11), all of which were winning trades. At this rate, I'll have my entire Ace Trades tuition recouped less than two weeks! Furthermore, I'll have my entire brokerage account investment (5 contracts X $1250 per contract = $6250) recouped before mid-November and from there, as they say, it is all gravy. And here is the incredible part. all this on just the second day of using your system !

In a nutshell, your educational/trading system is by far, exceeding my expectations. And I would encourage the fence-sitters to your program to get involved now and take full advantage of this outstanding opportunity as soon as possible. Time lost is money lost. I wish you continued success,

Stephen. W - Oct. 2011.

“The accuracy of your targets are incredible”

I've always thought the market behavior was pretty complex even chaotic at times, but after studying your keys the fog has lifted. For several markets that I trade, I can now look at a 1 min bar chart with no indicators what so ever and have a pretty good idea of what could happen next. Although there are some losses at potential decision zones, they are generally quite small compared to the runs that set up. And the accuracy of your targets are incredible. And these targets zones almost always provide counter trade opportunities. Your class times are filled with simple clear examples not from some setups that happened two years ago but what happened this morning! Pretty hard to argue with. So keep up the good work. As Rick said, "Lois, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

“I knew after the first day in Ace's room that I was hooked”

I was introduced to Ace Trades by Ninja Partner presentations where I was offered a 3 day trial in the live trading room. I have been reviewing trading systems and black box products for years, with little success. I knew after the first day in Ace's room that I was hooked, but waited for the 3 day trial to end. I could not believe the accuracy that Ace would call buys and sells, many times to the tick in the ES. Ace is a unique person who is dedicated to the education of his students. My early trading disappointments were due to my not listening to his trades, but now I have the confidence in him and myself. My only regret is that I did not hear of Ace earlier. I am 69 years old and trying to retire soon, which I feel will now be reachable working with Ace. He is one of a kind and the best.

“He will open your eyes and show you why the price moves like it does and why it turns where it does”

If you want to stop playing tag with the market and learn how it really works then you need to give Ace a good look. He will open your eyes and show you why the price moves like it does and why it turns where it does. The Ace Trades approach to the market is price action only will amaze you at its accuracy and consistency while avoiding all the lagging indicators you used to use. There is a demo available so do yourself a favour and learn what Ace Trades can do for your trading. Your approach to the market will never be the same after you watch Ace.

Ned J. - June 2011.

“I should have enrolled years ago”

Hi Ace, Love your key system and apex targets, your trading style is similar to mine. It's a very nice fit! I'm still trying to learn all the keys only been two days. Great system, very powerful limo. I should have enrolled years ago.

T. Murphy March 2011.

“I thought you were crazy”

Once again, I thought you were crazy calling 69 this a. m. NO way I said. Sat there stunned to see it stop at 69 and to stupid to short, but I'm catching on. (Still had 69 marked from the other day) another 6 or 8 months I'll be a believer lol.

“In 72 hours you gave me the confidence to dive right in”

I always knew there were true market masters, never did I believe I'd have an incredible 3 day free trial to witness incredible market calls firsthand. Every call, everyday, was precise to the tick! It was a no brainier, I was in the right place at the right time no longer bound by my leading/lagging indicators and frozen in analysis paralysis. I have been in many different trade rooms, educational strategy seminars that always seemed to lead to less than stellar results, greater confusion and losses of capital, I'm glad those days are finally over! In 72 hours you gave me the confidence to dive right in and not only trade the ES market correctly, but a greater opportunity to your mentorship program which has been a fantastic journey allowing me the privilege to see exactly that there are no coincidences! In only 5 trading days, profitability is an understatement! You are a kind, gifted teacher – Thank you!

Valerie - May 2010.

“When you told me to get rid of all the indicators I had.

and just use clean charts I thought you were nuts”

Just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how good your system is working out for me. I never use to trade the S&P mini contract, as I found it hard to understand the movements, but after just a couple weeks of daily one hour or so class sessions I understand the auction process and how to apply the keys to make consistent profits. I have been trading about 8 years and must admit when you told me to get rid of all the indicators I had and just use clean charts I thought you were nuts. Well I was absolutely wrong and can't thank you enough. By the way I use the keys system to trade crude and gold and just as you said, it works there just as well. (Will try beans soon) Thanks again Ace, really appreciate it.

JSB - September 2010.

“Without your help I would still be one of those traders that is using indicators and trading very inconsistently”

It has been over a year now since you have taught me the correct way to read the market auction. I can't thank you enough for what you have taught me. Your market interpretation has taught me how to truly read support and resistance levels and identify price targets. Your teachings have taken my trading on a journey to a professional level. Without your help I would still be one of those traders that is using indicators and trading very inconsistently. Once again I can't thank you enough because you have literally changed my life both my trading career as well as my personal life.

Kevin - September 2010.

“People still considering whether or not to take up the Ace methodology, I say this…”

Just a quick note to let you know how grateful I am to you for teaching me your methodology, and for your continued support. Ace Keys methodology really delivers, day in and day out, provided one takes their time to thoroughly learn your methodology and practice it in simulated mode BEFORE committing cash, so that one could really build confidence in this great approach. I have personally traded your methodology on SIM for about 6 weeks now and have had only one losing day (with minus 3 points, which is very acceptable to me)

And to people still considering whether or not to take up the Ace methodology, I say this… guys, there is NO more upsells to consider with Ace, no upgrades, no course 2,3,etc., and no further monthly fees to pay, including for the trading room where one practises Ace's methodology every single day, I mean, if you consider using any other trading room out there for 12 months - you would spend more just on the room monthly fees alone, never mind the methodology. Once again, thank you very much Ace!

Your devoted student,

Lawrence J. - October 2010.

“Daily class time reinforces the various Keys so that I can spot them under the pressure of live trading”

I am a new trader (approx. 6 months) introduced to your chat room by a friend who is a long time & successful trader. He told me that if I wanted to learn to predict market movement and targets that your the best source for that knowledge. Your system has provided me with the framework that allows me to understand the ES Mini market. The basics of your system, the "Keys" are easy to learn and the daily class time reinforces the various Keys so that I can spot them under the pressure of live trading.

I have been a small business owner for over 20 years. If something didn't work, I could usually control the result in my business by working more, studying more, negotiating more, etc. I am finding that with trading, as with my wife and teenage kids, that the "more is better" approach is not always the solution.

Learning when not to trade is as important to my development as learning to trade. You devoted some class time to that subject just the other day. I look forward to overcoming the over trading obstacle, with your help and direction.

John W - January 2010.

“I know within minutes whether the trade will go my way”

Your approach is superb in it's simplicity. The lack of lagging indicators has increased my success rate tremendously. No more waiting and hoping. I know within minutes whether the trade will go my way and if it doesn't then the miniscule stops get me out. The beauty of being so close to the tops and bottoms takes so much guessing out of it that I hardly ever get stopped out anyway. A lot of techniques try to jump on a trend and catch 70% of the run. I much prefer the Ace Trades way of getting in at the turns and riding them for much bigger gains. It's truly the easiest approach at trade management I have ever seen in my 12 years of trading. Muito obrigado!

Russell. - April 2010.

“The Number 1 course to purchase”

A big thank you for finally helping me understand Market Structure and how to trade successfully. After buying so many other courses and continually losing money, you've finally shown me how to decipher price action and 'key' strategies that are exact and work under any market condition. I would recommend this course as the No. 1 course to purchase; and it will also be your last as everything you would ever need to trade with precision and having an incredible coach to lead the way.

Patrick. - May 2010.

“Ace's commentary during trading sessions and class sessions keeps me alert and in a positive frame of mind”

A long time and successful trader asked me if I would like to know where the market is going before I entered a trade. Of course, I said yes. He told me if I wanted to predict the market, then I needed to learn to read charts--and that ACE TRADES was the best place to learn. I have learned and continue to learn and be reminded of the keys to your system in the daily classes.

Trading can be a lonely business, but Ace's commentary during trading sessions and class sessions keeps me alert and in a positive frame of mind. I think state of mind is the one of the most important elements for successful trading.

John W. - April 2010.

“I am amazed how accurate it can be”

I am learning so much from this system. I am amazed how accurate it can be. This has improved my odds of winning and being on the right side of a trade. I bought the course in June 2010 and it has been 3 months with great anticipation of market learning. This is worth the price of admission and Ace knowledge is very great. I really enjoy the class that we have and what he is teaching brings out what market bias direction.

I made 6 points today 9/3/2010. What I learned from this system and great classroom teachings I was able to "see" what was happening and get more profits and stay in this particular trade longer and succeed. I was very impressed. 6 points--Thank you so much Ace!! Low risk, High probability in the 90% is very good odds. I will be looking for great signals and more class time.

T. L. Washington - September 2010.

“I don't even bother coming into the room any more”

The market is TERRIFIC, thanks to you! Every day (well, maybe 1 - 2 days/month is an exception), so 99% of the days the SP is treating me kindly, I am FOREVER grateful to you for your priceless teachings, that's why I don't even bother coming into the room any more. So you can give your undivided attention to the new guys who are just starting out with you. (Like you used to say to us in the room: "Same S-t - Another Pile"). This is almost getting predictably boring, but you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way - I will never ever trade any other way, because what I've learned from you might not give me a daily adrenaline rush and palpitations (like I used to get before I learned your methodology), but at least I am profitable 18-19 days out of every 22 days EVERY single month! So I guess I'll leave the "adrenaline rush and buzz of trading" to all the newbies and rather trade professionally, just like you taught me, predictably and WITH NO NERVOUS TENSION at all!! I wouldn't have it any other way Ace!

Yours faithfully and forever grateful student,

Lawrence J. - January 2011.

“These methods are demonstrated and.

traded daily in live markets”

I've been a member for a couple of weeks and I'm now beginning to apply the patterns which enable you to both identify and anticipate high probability trading levels and profits targets rather than second guessing or chasing the market. These methods are demonstrated and traded daily in live markets which help to reinforce the methodology and invariably lead to profitable trades within first two hours. I am therefore pleased to recommend this course to anyone who is serious about learning to trade.

Ian - November 2009.

“I can trade this program successfully on my own”

Hi Ace, Just wanted to drop you a note thanking you. I know we pay "tuition" to get into your membership but I just wanted to say thanks for your time and the passion and willingness you have to teach us the correct way to read and understand the price auction. I can trade this program successfully on my own, but I like the everyday entertainment you provide in the room. You have literally transformed my trading and I can't thank you enough.

Kevin - June 2010.

“The morning really helps to bring a trader.

up to speed using your Keys”

I just want to take time to tell you my impressions of the Ace Trading Course after the first 4 months of membership. I was skeptical at first when you told us to throw away the indicators. Then I considered my own trading experience and how often I entered a trade based on an indicator and watched as the market followed a path completely opposite to what the indicator predicted. Even when the trade went in my favour, I felt like it was just a matter of luck. After trying several indicators to help clarify the direction of the market, I have come to realize that the simplest and purest way to follow the market is by observing price action, which is exactly what your course and method of trading is all about. The class time each day before the market opens and again reviewing trading action from the morning really helps to bring a trader up to speed using your Keys to the market. Thanks again for going over the basics with us day in and day out to instil confidence that will allow us to trade on our own when we are ready. I look forward to many profitable days ahead. This course is probably not for everyone, but I'm sure glad I found it!

Jerry - August 2009.

“For the first time in my trading career, I am now profitable”

I have been trading with Ace since February, 2010. For the first time in my trading career, I am now profitable. I am still learning something new every day. Ace's proprietary method of determining market direction ahead of a move is astounding. He is right on 90% of the time! After wasting a year and a half, and many thousands of dollars in various schools, classes, and seminars learning mostly worthless information, it is a pleasure to finally find someone who actually knows what he is doing. It will probably be the best investment you will ever make.

Mike D - August 2010.

“By following Ace's calls, had a complete.

month with no loosing days!”

I am new to day trading - no prior experience what so ever. A friend was telling me about one of his friends who was doing day trading and it sounded interesting. He gave me the name of Ace Trades and I went online to check it out. I attended two of Ace's free 3 day demo sessions and took detailed notes.. Ace's calls were spot on! With that to convince me I signed up for the lifetime membership at Ace Trades. I was flooded with data & tools that quite frankly, took a couple of weeks to digest. The training classes use a language/vocabulary that was new to me and had to be learned. Ace has been very patient in helping me understand those things I did not understand as well as explaining his tools. His methods seemed quite complex and a little difficult to grasp for a novice like me but as I have learned further about them in class, I am amazed at the detail and pin point accuracy of his calls. Bottom line, to date Ace's calls have been 93.3% accurate! There was one class member that, by following Ace's calls, had a complete month with no loosing days! I still have a lot to learn but I am sold on the Ace method of calling the market. Thanks Ace!

JJ - November 2010.

“I've never been so confident about my trades”

Ace, I've never been so confident about my trades. No trading plan is 100% but my odds of winning have greatly increased since joining you and your group. Before joining I did a lot of praying and hoping soon after putting on a trade. Now soon after putting on a trade I am moving my trailing stops and happy that the trade will be profitable. The most important thing you have taught that has helped is patience, patience to wait for that higher probability trade. It definitely swings the odds in my favour. Thanks a lot!!

Russell - Feb 2010.

“Your method identifies a move way before.

any lagging indicator does”

Ace, I have been using your method for a month now, and already I am able to see the market set up in advance where it is likely to go. Also having target areas keeps me from getting out too soon. It is refreshing to not have so many indicators all over my charts that don't work. Equally amazing is to see you call the set-up ahead of time and hit the trade with such accuracy. I am learning more every day, but even after just a few days I was able to read several of the key areas. Thanks for all of your guidance and mentorship along the way. Your method identifies a move way before any lagging indicator does, and is so different than anything else out there. I AM GLAD I FOUND ACE TRADES!

J Evans - Jan 2010.

“This system works on any market and any market condition and will suit any trading style”

Ace, Since being introduced to the Ace Trades System. I have been able to pinpoint the highs and lows of the market with amazing accuracy. Having this ability has reduced my risk on trades enormously. This system works on any market and any market condition and will suit any trading style. The ongoing training and support and live market calls are second to none. The Ace Trades System works day in day out with amazing accuracy and profitability. There simply is nothing else out there that comes close.

George G - Jan 2010.

“These methods are demonstrated daily in live markets”

Hi Ace, I've been a member for a couple weeks and I'm now beginning to apply the Keys which enable you to both identify and anticipate high probability trading levels and profit targets rather than second guessing or chasing the market. These methods are demonstrated daily in live markets, which help to reinforce the methodology and invariably lead to profitable trades. I am therefore pleased to recommend this course to anyone who is serious about learning to trade.

Regards Ian - Oct 2009.

“I just wish I had found you much earlier”

Ace, I just want to say thank you for sharing your knowledge of the markets. I have tried many, many other programs and you are not just marginally better than anything I have come across, it's not in even in the same league and that is as sincere as I can be. I just wish I had found you much earlier, but I probably wouldn't appreciate it as much, lol. I have had some success in the crude market, but was about ready to give up on the ES. I have to work and so I leave for the office in the morning and am not always here or have to leave early for the training sessions, but I feel confident that over time that won't be a problem. Anytime a potential purchaser would like a reference, please feel free to send them my way.

Thanks again and have a great rest of the day and weekend.

Ben B - August 2009.

“ It was always easy to enter the trade but hard.

to stay with a winning trade”

Good Morning Ace!

I am pleased to report that in my first month as a member of Ace Trades, I was able to develop a written trading plan focused on risk management. Your Ace Key trading system, class time and live calls each day in the S&P E-mini's has eliminated the "Fear Factor" in my personal trading. It was always easy to enter the trade but hard to stay with a winning trade. "Now I Can"

Larry S - June 2009.

“What I love about your course is that I am now able to pick the high or low of the day myself”

Just wanted to thank you very much for all you have taught me in the 2 months I have been a member. I have tried other courses and many books that are advertised on the net, but nothing has given me the know-how of trading as you have. We usually get the high and low of the day, so if we get stopped out occasionally we soon make it up plus much more. What I love about your course is that I am now able to pick the high or low of the day myself, even when you are not around. Many thanks again.

Regards, Linda - October 2005.

“After only two days the "Keys" are already easy to spot”

Hi Ace, I just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed my first couple of days as a member. You teach the material in a way that is easy to comprehend and I hope it does not take too long until I can put it to use in my daily trading. After only two days the "Keys" are already easy to spot. Also, was there any particular information you had in mind about trading psychology you could share as I think I might benefit from something like that.

Thanks Again Jim K -2009.

from a chart with no indicators whatsoever”

A ce, Thank you so much for your tuition and encouragement for trading the ES market. It was a revelation for me to gather information from a chart with no indicators whatsoever. At first it was rather unnerving but it really works! With the accuracy of your entries and, crucially, your very tight stop losses and money management, I found I was able to trade in a confident and relaxed manner - a new experience for me. Again, thanks and good health!

Regards, Quixotic -2007.

“Ace’s keys tell me what the market wants to do”

I have been trading with ace for about 2 Months now and for the first time in my trading career (about 2 years), I am profitable. Prior to working with Ace I used CC1, Stochastic, moving averages, pivot points and a host of other indicators with little success. Now I feel that I am beginning to understand the market and can trade with knowledge of where the market is likely to go. Ace’s keys tell me what the market wants to do. I don’t get in too late or out too soon. Ace has been an excellent mentor, although his methods are different than any I have encountered prior to joining his group, I would recommend him to anyone who wants to make their trading profitable. I still have much to learn but now I am making progress every day. Thank you Ace.

Grady G - June 2009.

“I have only been with you for a week and a half but already know your way of trading extremely well”

Just wanted to say thanks for your excellent teachings. I have only been with you for a week and a half but already know your way of trading extremely well. I have had extensive chart reading classes and spent many hours in front of the screen but your way of teachings has shown me a whole new light on the "ART" of chart interpretation. You have shown me that price targets do exist and how to stay in the trade to the signals full potential. We had a rough morning this morning but thanks to your teachings I was able to read the charts on my own this afternoon and turn my day into a fairly nice profitable day. I was able to finish the day off with 2 of your excellent "Key 2" setups and targets. I took the first Key 2 for 5 points and watched another Key 2 target develop and ran that one for another 8 point winner.

Obrigado. Kevin - June 2009.

“I am now perfectly capable of generating.

my own signals with success”

I am writing this letter of recommendation for your site simply because the methods taught work. I have been around the markets for a while and never liked or trusted any indicator and stopped using them altogether. I lacked the necessary skills and more importantly knowledge to interpret what was in my charts right in front of me every day. Now after being a member for 3 months I am a much more confident and profitable trader with support during class every day. The Ace "Keys" taught are all-good although I can trade quite easily using only 4 of them which are easy to pick up, and keep me on the right side of the trade a very high percentage of the time. The "Key 2" is the diamond for me and I now realize why my profits were always considerably less then they should have been. Ace makes the class easy to understand and his live signals every day are outstanding. I am now perfectly capable of generating my own signals with success which I do as I am 13 hours ahead of North America. This method works with any market where there is movement, it’s not Magic its right in front of you when you know what you are looking for.

Paul S - June 2009.

“I must express my amazement at how.

something so simple is so consistently effective”

After taking the decision to look into the trading world, I visited hundreds of web sites, entered dozens of rooms that presented trading webinars, in search of knowledge about stocks, bonds, options, futures, fundamental and technical analysis, interpretation of charts with different indicators and anything related to trading. The last room I entered was Ace Trades and when Ace challenged me, just like he challenges all those that may came across a little or very skeptical, I could smile, because I was for the first and only time, one step ahead. "Been there," I said quietly, "so let’s listen carefully, he might have a point worthwhile considering".

Just like in trading I gave Ace a chance to prove his point and after witnessing for three or four days consecutively, his accuracy in calling all sort of trades, I decided that, not only I had to join, but that I had to share what I knew with one of my best friends that started learning the trading business at about the same time I did.

We both joined and talking for myself, I must express my amazement at how something so simple is so consistently effective. Starting with the name, there is no better three letters, i. e. ACE, that could possible describe as well, the standard of Ace Trades methodology.

The Ace of hearts in the logo is no doubt fitting, considering how important a system like this can be to traders, considering the role of the heart in animal life. Should I be asked however, to add something to this logo, I would possibly embed it into an Ace of shinny diamonds, because the system is simply B R I L I A N T !

Tony S - April 2009.

“If you are serious about trading full-time,

this program will change your life!”

For more than ten years, I have been trading Stocks and Commodities. In that time period, I have reviewed many trading programs, attended numerous seminars, bought countless books, and hired several mentors; only to experience limited success. Most of the aforementioned programs utilized the same means of technical analysis and indicator application. This is where the Ace trading program is different. Ace’s market breakdown and trading guidelines, developed from years of price action analysis, are unique. Nothing I have seen compares to indices trading with Ace’s methods. Utilizing only price action and market structure, the approach is systematic, easy to understand, and incredibly effective. Ace eliminates the excessive "noise" and reduces the market to its purest form – a price auction of supply and demand.

Based upon my personal training experiences, I can honestly say that by using Ace’s training program and trading techniques, you will learn to trade successfully with a high degree of consistency – generating steady profits everyday. As a dedicated mentor, Ace provides the necessary one-on-one support and help that is needed to further develop one’s own style of trading in becoming a full-time trader.

If you are serious about trading full-time, this program will change your life!

L. R. Thomas - April, 2009.

“I think you will find as I have that becoming a member will yield results that consistently put cash into your account”

I can only advise those that are interested in day trading the E-minis that you owe it to yourself to at least buy into Ace’s demo week. you will be absolutely amazed as he consistently calls entries and price targets accurately. no, there are not lots of so-called lagging indicators for you to interpret. just price bars and price levels that lead you in the direction of the pending trade. Ace is genuine and does not pull any punches as a mentor and teacher he touches all the bases. his approach is uncanny to the like of which I have not witnessed before in my many years of searching for a simple approach to "bringing home the bacon". I think you will find as I have that becoming a member will yield results that consistently put cash into your account. so what are you waiting for . get on board and ride the Ace train.

“Now I am a profitable full time futures trader”

I've been a member of the Ace Trades room for almost 2 years. When I first heard about the +10 Points per day ES Claims, I was skeptical to say the least. It didn’t take long after I sat in on a few Ace demos to learn how wrong I was. Some days were +20 pts. Simply Amazing. I had been trading since March 2000 with thousands of hours of study, fundamentals and technical analysis from A to Z. Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, Slow /Fast Stochastic, you name it. With all of that I still wasn't profiting the way I felt I should be with the effort I Was putting forth into my trading. Ace Trades changed all of that. I took the course, Threw out all my indicators, and now I am a profitable full time futures trader and a lifetime Ace Trades member. Thanks Ace for changing everything.

“I have to say you make it seem simple, and it makes money”

Ace thanks in advance, while trying your free week trial and only paper trading your signals, as you know I decided to try your signals for one month, only to be more impressed by your calls, first week again I only paper traded for +22 pts. (xmas holidays came in) second week I worked with real money +53 pts , third week withe real money +62 pts trading only 4 contracts with the signals you gave. Needless to say I am converting to your full course. I’m not new to trading and have looked at a lot of systems. I have to say you make it seem simple, and it makes money. I’m looking forward to joining you . again thanks.

Gary C - January 2006.

“Anyone who takes the time to learn your way of reading the market will be rewarded far beyond their expectations”

Ace, your view of the markets makes the chaos look so simple and clear. Consistent large winning trades and money management techniques for the tiny loosing trades amounts to the absolute best trading techniques available, bar none. Anyone who takes the time to learn your way of reading the market will be rewarded far beyond their expectations. Obrigado pela ajuda.

Patrick - January 2006.

“I’m totally amazed at the accuracy of Ace's calls”

I’ve been a member of Acetrades for a month or so now and I’m totally amazed at the accuracy of Ace's calls. His market interpretation is right on the money time after time. Further his 1-point risks precludes and big losses, I've participated in many chat rooms with self proclaimed Gurus and they can't hold a candle to Ace. If you really want to learn how the market works, much less be profitable wile learning, then Acetrades is the only place to be.

J. S - January 2006.

“I have never achieved as much consistency as I have with Ace”

I have been trading for 8+ years. I have studied, and analyzed and utilized every type of indicator (stochastic, macd, MA, RSI, CCI, etc.) as well as participated in multiple trading rooms. While I have had some successes, it has never been consistent. I stumbled onto Ace yet with much much skepticism because of the years of trying to be successful and failing. Once I got on board with Ace's methodology, I was quickly able to put it to work. Now I trade with absolutely no lagging indicators whatsoever and no fear/emotion by simply using Ace's keys. I have never achieved as much consistency as I have with Ace. Even on the days where I might get dinged up a bit, I am always able to trade back into the profit zone. His money management is also very effective. Thank you Ace for everything you have done for me.

Garry S - March 2007.

“I prefer to know what the market is going to do, not let an indicator tell me after the fact”

I can't tell you how much your teaching has helped me win in the futures market everyday. I am amazed at how well you can read the market and how you taught me to read the market. I've thrown out the indicators! I prefer to know what the market is going to do, not let an indicator tell me after the fact. After three years of hit and miss, I now have the confidence to take a profit out of the market each day, thanks to your training. I will never be able to thank you enough.

Sincerely , Nancy R.

“Your method is what I had always hoped for,

but never thought was possible”

I have only been in your room as a paid member for approx. two and a half weeks, and you have already opened my eyes to "seeing the markets without any indicators". I have become profitable during this short time as well. That's the best part! I look forward to learning it all in the next few weeks or months. I have traded the E-mini's for 5 years now using everything from moving averages to so called "trading systems" costing me thousands of dollars and hours of useless methods that never produced any consistency. Your method is what I had always hoped for, but never thought was possible. I thank you again for sharing your valuable lessons with me, and I look forward finally to a rewarding trading Life!

Brian A - Nov 2006.

“I am now making money, but more important,

I am learning to trade like a pro”

I have been trading off and on for about 2 years, and not successfully at all. I really did not know how to trade although I thought I did. I traded using indicators and as a result, I made some money, but lost more. Not one to give up, I kept at it. Then a few months ago I came across a demo room sponsored by Ace. I couldn't believe how he was able to trade with such accuracy, and without indicators. Needless to say, I signed up for his course. I am now making money, but more important, I am learning to trade like a pro. His methods of chart diagnostics as well as his money management and chart reading techniques have built my confidence to the point where I am not afraid to "pull the trigger". He is absolutely the best.

“It only took a day to realize you knew.

exactly what you were talking about!”

I just wanted to write you a quick note and thank you for your mentorship.

I've been trading several years and have always relied on indicators. When I came across your information, I have to admit I was a little shocked that you used NO indicators. Well, I took the plunge and learned with you -- and seriously -- it only took a day to realize you knew exactly what you were talking about! Little by little I started getting rid of my indicators. It's hard letting go of something you've relied so heavily on. My trading is much more stress-free now. My charts are clean and I just had another great day -- and it's still before lunch. I just picked up 4.5 points with no indicators!

I've never met anyone who has their finger on the pulse of technical analysis like you.

Obrigado por toda sua ajuda. Bob P.

“For the first time I feel that I am learning a system of chart reading that will allow me to make money on a consistent basis.”

I have learned a great deal from Ace on how to read charts. Ace is a very friendly and genuine guy who does a wonderful job at teaching how to become a confident chart reader. I like the fact that he uses no lagging indicators and entries that require a very small stop loss. For the first time I feel that I am learning a system of chart reading that will allow me to make money on a consistent basis.

Gratefully, Kevin H.

“It consistently makes money and protects the profits”

Just a note to say thanks. Over the years (7) I have been working on developing a trading plan based on Technical Analysis and have never been profitable. I have always been able to see the patterns etc, but never been able to develop anything that consistently made money until I took on your plan. In the last 6 months I have finally manipulated a plan for trading active stocks based on ideas from your trading style and key's that actually works, it gets me into the trend, with targets and trailing stops. Where it consistently makes money and protects the profits. The results are fantastic. At this point the e-minis have been a little to intense (and wrong time of day / night in Austrailia) for me to trade it effectively but I have something that I have struggled for years and finally have some confidence in my stocks and myself.

Thanks, Kathy - Nov 2007.



Ace Trades Review.

Ace Trades.

Ace does not trade. He just talks, very excitedly and fast. Admittedly, Ace is sort of fun to listen to. The Ace Trades room is more of a carnival of hustle, and Ace is the lead barker. This guy is pure hustle.

Ace Trades Review.

Welcome and thanks for reading today’s review of a day trading room and educational advisory that goes by the name Ace Trades. The Ace Trades trading room offers three items for sale. A “Gold” package that costs $3,500, a Platinum package that costs $5,500, and a Diamond package that costs $9,800. All three packages include the same set of special Ace Indicators. The only difference between the three packages is the allotted amount of time that is included with the Ace Trading Room. The gold package includes 6 months, platinum includes one year, and the diamond includes lifetime access.

Over the past year, I have received over 20 individual requests from prospective purchasers to review Ace Trades. This past June 2014, I signed up for a free, three day trial of Ace’s live day trading room. After the three day trial expired, I then signed up for subsequent free, three day trials, using an alias name and email address. Also, each subsecquent sign up used different IP addresses. I use different IP addresses to give the appearance that different people were showing up at the trading room. Experience has taught me that if a trading room moderator notices the same prospective customer continuously showing up, they will attempt to craft a narrative.

From June 2014, through April 10 2015, I collected nearly 40 full trading sessions lasting anywhere from 2-4 hours in length, for each day’s trading session. Normally, I would only record about 30 days worth of trading sessions. However, my Uncle passed away last December, and then my father passed away this past February. Both events forced me to start and stop. However, I was able to collect more than enough camtasia screen recordings that gave me plenty of material to work with.

Inside the Ace Trades Trading Room.

The hallmark of a good trading room is that moderator will show their trading DOM, or entry and exit prices placed directly on top of the charts. The most preferable method is a trading DOM, which shows the live account profit and loss directly on the screen. The trading DOM also shows whether an order has actually been filled, or the order is just parked and working. From June 2014 through April 2015, not once did I ever see a trading DOM. Every single day that I recorded the trading session, I requested that a trading DOM be shown, but I was denied every single time. In addition, at the end of each trading session, I asked that Ace please show a screen shot to room participants that showed entry and exit orders. Not once was my request ever fulfilled. Finally, since I was on the nightly update that Ace sent out, I requested that he verify the day’s trading with an account statement, not once did he comply.

So what is inside the Ace Trade’s trading room? Truthfully, its hard to explain. There is no actual trading. But there is plenty of carnival barking. Let me explain: the market would start moving higher and faster and Ace would then start screaming and shouting uncontrollably throwing out all form of exciting language to tell us how the Ace Trades indicators had called it beforehand. And then, after the market had moved for awhile, Ace would then start screaming and shouting a reversal. In all honesty, there is no sense to this man, he reminds me of an out of control sportscaster. One minute he is professing how the “The Bulls are Charging! I told you!” and then the next moment, “TAKE HALF OFF, and NOW YOU NEED TO REVERSE. ". It was borderline insane and out of control commentary. But the more and more I listened to Ace, and as the days progressed, I began to see the genius of the marketing. And the truth about this whole Ace Trading marketing scheme is that Ace has learned that excitement is contagious, and excitement sells. And who can deny that most people that attend a trading room are looking for fun and excitement, unfortunately this is not how money is made.

A Reoccurring Pattern.

Ace has no tested indicators or formula, or anything else that will give you a market edge. However, if you watch his hand crafted, after the fact, post market trading video’s, you will clearly see a reoccurring pattern of being able to perfectly call a market top and a market bottom. The level of deceit is admirable and actually quite entertaining. Most of the time, I would just sit and watch the screen recordings with disbelief than anyone with even the most minimal amount of intelligence could not spot the fraud.

Carnival Barking At Its Finest.

When I was a kid, I grew up in rural California, in the flat dusty farmlands of Sacramento Valley. Lots of different produce, almonds, cattle, etc. It was a boring life. Except once every year, after the harvest in fall, the carnival would show up. After the harvest was the only time anyone had any money to spend. The carnival would pitch their tents, set up rides, and have a bunch of shows and exhibits. One of the exhibits was the “actual, and real AREA 51 space alien”. Supposedly, it was smuggled out of New Mexico by a communist deserter that wanted to expose the government. The barker in front of the tent dressed up like a NASA space scientist, complete with lab coat adorned with official looking patches. At the entrance of the tent, two armed men looking very official were there to guard the exhibit.

So what was inside the tent? The first time I visited the tent, I was 11 years old. I could of went at 8 or 9, but I was too afraid. But at 11, I mustered the courage and paid the $1 entry fee. At that time $1 is now equivalent to $10 today. It was expensive for me. I distinctly remembered entering the tent. The inside was dark, but on top of a wooden table sat a glass jar that contained about 25 gallons of murky frozen water. In the center of the water was this gooey little alien, with big eyes and a mouth the size of dime. It fucking creeped me out. There was a person that guarded this frozen little alien, and he had a bad attitude and little patience. In fact, he would only allow a viewing of about two minutes before the next viewing began. While you watched the frozen little alien, the lab coated person would talk about the secrets that only he knew and how we should go and tell all of our friends before the government found out and confiscated this mysterious creature. I remember riding my bike as quickly as possible to my best friends home and telling him about the alien. Of course, he scraped together whatever money he could find and even stole a few dollars from his mothers purse, we both went back and paid once again.

The Persistent Mystery.

A year came and went. But the next Fall, the carnival was back in town. How exciting! Of course, I could not wait to go and have some of my nagging questions answered about the Area 51 alien and how it came to the possession of the carnival. I distinctly remember walking up to the tent, and to my amazement, there was no longer only a single alien, there was now a single frozen alien and a live alien that the carnival kept within a cage. You could pay $1 to see the frozen alien, and $5 to see the real life alien and the frozen alien in a single show. I was so amazed and excited that I immediately spent my entire cash wad and purchased the Live Alien Experience.

Live Alien Experience.

I still remember walking down the canvas corridor of the tent, where the live alien was kept. It was inside of a heavy tent. A dark tent. And the temperature within the tent was over 90 degrees and very humid. The doorman explained that the alien had come from a planet that circled close to the sun and he needed a hot environment to survive. The first exhibit was the “frozen alien”, the live alien was kept in an outrageously hot condition. In fact, when entering the live alien tent, the heat was terrible and humid and it smelled disgusting, and it was very dark. I remember thinking to myself, where is this alien and how quickly can I get out of this terribly hot tent. Of course, the live alien was sleeping under a blanket and you could just see enough of the body and face to give the impression that a creature inhabited the space. The blanket even slowly raised and fallen, as if breathing.

I Wanted To Believe.

I remember the next few days at school, nobody would stop talking about the live alien experience. Some would question whether it was real, but I would always go back to the talking points established by the guy in front of the tent, wearing the lap coat. The guy wearing that coat was so exciting, so official looking, and he his excitement was so contagious. His enthusiasm is what sold me most. I remember it like yesterday, and it still makes me smile.

Ace Trades and Live Alien Experience.

So what does Ace Trades have to do with the Live Alien Experience? If it were not for the very excited person in front of the tent, I would of probably not believed what I was seeing. Just like Ace Trades, he gets excited and talks in an exciting manner, and its contagious and fun to listen to. The following video is a typical video of market action with ACE. Of course, this stuff is pure nonsense. Ace will record market action, and then overlay commentary and trades over the recorded video.

[fvplayer src=”tradingschools/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/AceFinal. mp4″ width=”648″ height=”480″]

One Final Note.

To date, I have sent Ace over 50 written requests to prove that the trades made in his videos were ever actually executed with his own trading account. Of course, he never responds. Thanks for taking the time to read this review, and don’t forget to leave a message below.

Sobre o autor.

Emmett Moore.

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253 Comments on "Ace Trades Review"

Trading is a hard mental business. I have used the system for 5 years because it works and is simple to understand and use. Once I learned the system, I never waited for him to “call” again. I get them in advance and have trained myself to mentally act on them. This is a great system. Easy to understand and learn. How one applies it will always be the bigger question.

Hi Ernie – Since you have no problem here and at futures. io making wild claims of how great ACE is, perhaps you are willing to share trading statements? I cannot wait to hear your excuses why you cannot.

Please come and shill for my fantasytradingroom dot com. I need more suckers, ahem, valued customers, to sign up, and I can see that you are a master at bagging them.

Pls can i have this 9 keys pls.

Check your email. I think that Ace Dick has sent you something.

I was a member for 3 months. The article claims that Ace’s data feed is not real time. He is not correct. I matched his video to my live ThinkOrSwim video and it matched tick for tick every day for 6 months. Ace stresses use of a simulator to learn his system, and he is absolutely right. Using his system takes some courage, since it is a bit different than others I have seen.

I notice you say “I was a member…” ‘Nuf said.

Do you know aces 9 keys..if you did you would understand what he is doing when he says get in, take half, reverse etc..well do you know his 9 keys? Well if you don’t why not pony up the $4 Grand and find out what you have been bad-mouthing him about without any knowledge as to why you are doing it. His system works but he is not going to tell you how it works unless you buy into the system..duh…

Golly Gee Steve. You are sure as shooting. Can I send my 4K Western Union and get signed up right away so I too can know the secret? He must be like an angel to help us poor clueless people out. Thank his blessed heart.

Lan sakes and bless my behind. What a gentleman to help us ignorant folks out for just $4,000. Well once I sell a kidney to that nice man in India I’m gonna sign right up too.

Or maybe I’ll send an email to aceisanahole AT outlook DOT com and get the system that he copied his 9 keys from for FREE! Gosh darn it I wish I wasn’t so stupid because then I could work out which one of those choices was the smart thing to do.

Check your email used for this site.

The system works.. best I have seen and I’ve looked at lots (say at least 100). If you know his 9 keys and utilize his blue line trading method, it is very hard to lose money..

Another shill post. No proof offered for the claims made. If you want the system send an email to [email protected] DOT com.

He trades real time, not showing you what could have happened at a 4 o’clock seminar at 4pm..if you were in his 3 day free seminar you will see it’s real time and not some pre-recorded B’s that most seminars have. The only reason I bought into the system is because I saw him make money day after day real time and if you follow his trade recommendations you would make money too..

More of the same shill posts with nothing to back them up. One shill trying to dupe the naive and the desperate. If you fall for this you need help. Send an email to [email protected] DOT com for the system he wants you to pay thousands for.

I was somewhat confused myself about the trades when I was in the PAID trading room. But after watching his videos on YouTube I got a better understanding of what he is doing.

Mesmo! This is a recommendation? You couldn’t work out the system when you were in the PAID room so you had to go to Youtube. Write to [email protected] DOT com for the system. Save yourself thousands and still get the rubbish system.

Ace could shut down all the debate by providing his trading statements to Emmett. “To date, I have sent Ace over 50 written requests to prove that the trades made in his videos were ever actually executed with his own trading account. Of course, he never responds.” That says it all.

Quite telling that ‘Ace’ lists his business address as a UPS store: Ace Trades Corp. 4-115 First St. Suite 341 Collingwood, Ontario L9Y4W3 Canada.

Ace is providing entertainment. And truth be told…he is a really good entertainer. As the prices zoom back and forth, he adds colorful commentary. Its like watching a hockey game, or a football game.

If you want the indicators that Ace apparently pilfered from someone else send an email to aceisanahole at outlook dot com.

Please read the review.

To date, I have sent Ace over 50 written requests to prove that the trades made in his videos were ever actually executed with his own trading account. Of course, he never responds.”

By the way is anyone wants the system that Ace ripped off to create his system write to [email protected]

Stray Dog, I would be interested in taking a look at the system that Ace seems to have “borrowed” from Kingfisher. As all those associated with Ace state that attending the trading room training is a must, prior to making a decision on spending so much money, I want to at least get an idea of what all this is based on… Would you please be so kind to send me the system info (keys, methodology, whatever basic info is available in written format)? Please use crezeanu at gmail. Obrigado.

Hi, can u verify all trades executed by aces’ methodology? From when you started to current.

I am always learning, so I would like to take a look. Maybe we are giving Ace a raw deal with out critical attitude, who knows?

cynthiabwedding at jourrapide.

I forgot that the address I gave below strips all attachments. I have sent you email form a different address. The message subject mentions the “cynthiabwedding” address. Maybe it has ended up in your SPAM folder?

Cyn, I would be interested in taking a look at the system that Ace seems to have “borrowed” from Kingfisher. As all those associated with Ace state that attending the trading room training is a must, prior to making a decision on spending so much money, I want to at least get an idea of what all this is based on… Would you please be so kind to send me the system info (keys, methodology, whatever basic info is available in written format)? Please use crezeanu at gmail. Obrigado.

why would you be interested at all in that hopeless scam?

Yes please my email especially set up for this is: [email protected]

Send me the 9 key set up system please.

I wondered about his system and would really like to see the nine keys.

Tamiaya, I would be interested in taking a look at the system that Ace seems to have “borrowed” from Kingfisher. As all those associated with Ace state that attending the trading room training is a must, prior to making a decision on spending so much money, I want to at least get an idea of what all this is based on… Would you please be so kind to send me the system info (keys, methodology, whatever basic info is available in written format)? Please use crezeanu at gmail. Obrigado.

ACE e Sistemas Automatizados.

O Ambiente Comercial Automatizado (ACE) é o principal sistema através do qual a comunidade comercial reporta importações e exportações e o governo determina a admissibilidade. Através da ACE como Janela Única, os processos manuais são simplificados e automatizados, o papel está sendo eliminado e a comunidade comercial pode cumprir de forma mais fácil e eficiente as leis e regulamentos dos EUA.

O CBP está trabalhando para completar a implantação final dos principais recursos de processamento comercial na ACE. Visite a página Detalhes da transação ACE para obter detalhes completos sobre os requisitos de transmissão ACE e, para obter detalhes sobre os esforços da Agência de Parceiros do Governo, consulte a seção Integração PGA da nossa página Recursos ACE.

O que há de novo com ACE.

Atualizações ACE Deployment G.

A implantação da ACE G será a implantação final dos recursos principais de processamento de comércio da ACE. CBP will deploy using a phased approach over three releases between September 2017 and February 2018.

Deployment Support Calls:

CBP’s Trade Transformation Office will host a daily support call from February 26, 2018 to March 2, 2018 between 2:00 PM ET and 3:00 PM ET to answer questions related to the February 24th deployment. Call-In: (877) 336-1828 / PC: 6124214 CBP’s Office of Trade, Trade Policy and Programs office will also host a daily Drawback support call from February 26, 2018 to March 2, 2018 between 3:00 PM ET and 4:00 PM ET to answer questions related to Drawback. Call-In: (877) 336-1829 / PC: 4840827.

The current deployment schedule is as follows:

ACE Deployment G, Release 4 (February 24, 2018)

O CBP divulgou dois documentos que descrevem os processos, procedimentos e políticas associados ao ACE Cargo Release (Entradas) e ao Entry Summary. Eles podem ser acessados ​​através dos seguintes links: lançamento de carga ou resúmenes de entrada.

Vídeos de treino de relatórios ACE.

O CBP lançou 11 vídeos para suportar recursos de relatórios ACE. Os vídeos abrangem tópicos relacionados à configuração de preferências, à geração de relatórios e à personalização de relatórios do zero.


Fundamentos da ACE.

Esta infografia de uma página fornece uma visão geral de como funciona a ACE e como começar a sua transição para a ACE. Conta do portal básico do ACE.

Esta infografia de uma página fornece uma visão geral de uma conta do Portal ACE, estruturas e tipos de usuários. ACE Basics DIS.

Este infográfico de uma página fornece uma visão geral de como funciona o Sistema de Imagem de Documento (DIS) e como transmitir a ACE. ACEopedia.

Fonte única para informações sobre a janela única, recursos e benefícios do ACE; tudo em um local. Programação ACE.

Quer saber o que há de mais recente em um recurso pelo qual você estava esperando? Dê uma olhada no nosso mais recente cronograma para detalhes sobre quando estaremos construindo e liberando capacidades. Realização de janelas únicas.

Isso fornece uma visão geral dos resultados obtidos ao realizar a Janela Única. Atualização de negócios mensais da ACE.

acetrades Privacy Notice.

Acetrades is committed to providing you with high quality service of our products and services. We respect your right to privacy. We obtain certain information about you that may be useful in the future. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct web forms you have filled out from our websites/landing pages. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.

Your information provided to us by you will only be used to contact you via email or telephone.

You at any time have the ability to opt-out of future notifications.

Questions regarding this Privacy Statement should be directed to acetrades@bmts Please specify “Privacy Act” in your subject line of your email. You also can contact us by calling 705-429-2828.

Website: When you visit our website we use links for customers to purchase products, register for live demos , request information through via email. In taken part of one or all of the above you have intentionally provided us with and consent to our collection of certain personal information.

Landing Pages: When you register for a live demo through our Landing pages you have filled out your personal information that we have obtained to provide you with additional marketing information, newsletters and upcoming webinars. In taken part of one or all of the above you have intentionally provided us with an consent to our collection of certain personal information.

For many existing websites, we gather certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data.

We use this information, which does not identify individual users, to analyze trends, to administer the Website, to track users’ movements around the Website and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.

We do not link this automatically-collected data to personally identifiable information.

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We only use “cookies” as described in this Section. A “cookie” is a piece of information that our Web site sends to your browser, which then stores this information on your system. If a cookie is used, our Web site will be able to “remember” information about you and your preferences either until you exit your current browser window (if the cookie is temporary) or until you disable or delete the cookie. Many users prefer to use cookies in order to help them navigate a Web site . You should be aware that cookies contain no more information than you volunteer, and they are not able to “invade” your hard drive and return to the sender personal or other information from your computer.

Our uses of “cookies” are limited to the following specific situation. That situation is with respect to temporary cookies. There are two instances in which we use temporary cookies. First, if you are accessing our services through one of our online applications our Web server may automatically send your browser a temporary cookie, which is used to help your browser navigate our site. The only information contained in these temporary cookies is a direction value that lets our software determine which page to show when you hit the back button in your browser. This bit of information is erased when you close your current browser window. If you come to our site from one of our business partners, our Web server may also send your browser a temporary cookie that reflects an “origination code” for that business partner. We use this information for statistical and marketing purposes. Some of our business partners (e. g., credit card vendor, advertisers) use cookies related to our Website. We have no access to or control over these cookies.


We do from time to time send you updates on upcoming webinars, promotion deals, and newsletters. You have agreed to receive these communications from filling out your information on our web page or special invite landing pages to webinars. Out of the respect for your privacy, if you choose not to receive these communications stated above we have provided an unsubscribe button.


During the open room chat and market commentary, you may provide comments and feedback, by doing so you are making this known to public or public knowledge. You are agreeing that this information may be also shared in various forms of communications.

In accordance with the guide lines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:

Testimonials appearing on acetrades are actually received via text, audio or video submission. São experiências individuais, refletindo experiências de vida real daqueles que usaram nossos produtos e / ou serviços de alguma forma. No entanto, eles são resultados individuais e os resultados variam. Nós não afirmamos que são resultados típicos que os consumidores geralmente alcançarão. Os depoimentos não são necessariamente representativos de todos aqueles que usarão nossos produtos e / ou serviços.

Os depoimentos exibidos (texto, áudio e / ou vídeo) são verbais, exceto para a correção de erros gramaticais ou tipográficos. Alguns foram encurtados. Em outras palavras, não é exibida toda a mensagem recebida pelo escritor de testemunho, quando parecia longo ou não o depoimento total parecia relevante para o público em geral.

Ace Trades is not responsible for any of the opinions or comments posted to our site. Ace Trades, is not a forum for testimonials, however provides testimonials as a means for customers to share their experiences with one another. To prevent against abuse, all testimonials appear after they have been reviewed by management of Ace Trades. Commentary of any testimonials on this site, and are strictly the views of the reviewer.

Os resultados passados ​​como representados nestes depoimentos não são necessariamente indicativos de resultados futuros ou sucesso. Os depoimentos podem não ser representativos de todos os estudantes razoavelmente comparáveis. O comércio cambial envolve um risco significativo de perda e pode não ser adequado para todos os investidores.

AceTrades and the customer may communicate using emails acetrades@bmt , skype , hotcomm , and dropbox.


Acetrades secures your information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Use of your personal use: Acetrades won’t rent, lease, sell clients lists to thirds parties. Acetrades may share info with partners of Acetrades to help determine statistical analysis, sending email or land mail and providing customer support. Partners are prohibited from using your personal information and are sworn to confidentiality of your information. Acetrades will disclose any of your personal information without notice only when required by law or in good faith and judgment that such action is necessary.

1. confirm the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served to Acetrades or website and manuals.

2. protect and defend the rights of Acetrades.

3. protect the personal safety of users of Acetrades and public.


The Statement of privacy act may be updated by Acetrades from time to time. This will allow any changes to reflect the company and customer feedback. Acetrades asks you to review this Statement from time to time so you are informed of how Acetrades is protecting your information.


When you fill out your information on our websites and invitation to live webinars you have agreed to receive updates on oncoming webinars, newsletters and marketing information. At any time you wish not to receive these type of communication you may opt-out by using the unsubscribe link or button. You may also contact us at acetrades@bmts to opt-out of any further communications.

Site Disclaimers, Privacy, Copyright and Terms of Use.

Please read this notice and disclaimer carefully before using the Website. Use of the Website or any part of it constitutes irrevocable and unconditional acceptance of your agreement to the terms and conditions outlined below and to be bound by them, as such terms may be modified from time to time. If You are dissatisfied with any portion of the Website or with any or all the terms and conditions below, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Website.

Disclaimer and Legalities.


Acetrades reserves any rights to change any of the following, terms, conditions, and notices under the Acetrades website and manuals and fees that is offered.

All contents of the Acetrades WebSite and manuals are: Copyright 2001 – 2016 by Acetrades and Acetrades . Todos os direitos reservados.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their perspective owners. All example companies , organizations, products events or persons depicted herin are fictitious. No association with any mentioned above is intended or should be inferred. Any rights not granted herin are reserved.

In agreement of your use of the Acetrades Web site and manuals you warrant Acetrades that you will not use this website for any purposes that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices. You may not use Acetrades website or manuals which could damage, disable, stress, impair Acetrades website, chat room or manuals or interfere with any party’s participation of the Acetrades web site , manuals etc. You agree and knowledge that you will not abuse, harass, stalk, abuse, threaten or any other harmful means of violation to the legal rights of others or Acetrades . You agree not to post, upload, use profanity, obscene , indecent , disseminate or any other fashion of material and information. You shall not upload files containing viruses, corrupt files damaging others computers. No uploading files containing software or other materials protected by property laws unless you have recieved consent. You shall not conduct or forward surveys, pyramid schemes or chain letters. No collecting information about others including email addresses without consent.

Acetrades has the right to terminate your access to any or all communication services at anytime without notice for any reason. Acetrades has the reserves the right to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or government request or to edit, refuse to post or remove any information or materials in Acetrades sole discretion.

Security of Your Personal Information: Acetrades secures your information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

Use of your personal use: Acetrades won’t rent, lease, sell clients lists to thirds parties. Acetrades may share info with partners of Acetrades to help determine statistical analysis, sending email or land mail and providing customer support . Partners are prohibited from using your personal information and is sworn to confidentiality of your information.

Acetrades will disclose any of your personal information without notice only when required by law or in good faith and judgement that such action is necessary 1. confirm the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served to Acetrades or website and manuals 2. protect and defend the rights of Acetrades 3. protect the personal saftey of users of Acetrades and public.

Levantamento de informações.

Acetrades has collection of your computer information such as IP address, brower type domain names, access times and refered website addresses. This information is used for operation use for Acetrades and to maintain quality of service for all members.

You have the ability to accept or decline cookies. Most web browers automatically accept cookie. If you perfer not to use cookies , it may affect you not being able to use full services of Acetrades .

Cookies allows you to personalize your online time with us. One of the primary purposes of cookies is to provide a convenience feature to save you time. Cookies are only assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.

Changes of this Statement.

The Statement of privacy act may be updated by Acetrades. This will allow any changes to reflect the company and customer feedback. Acetrades asks you to review this Statement from time to time so you are informed of how Acetrades is protecting your information.

By reading this disclaimer and contract agreement at acetrades or affiliates you have committed to the following statements and fully understand the risks involved in trading futures.

In accordance with the guide lines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following:

Testimonials appearing on acetrades are actually received via text, audio or video submission. São experiências individuais, refletindo experiências de vida real daqueles que usaram nossos produtos e / ou serviços de alguma forma. No entanto, eles são resultados individuais e os resultados variam. Nós não afirmamos que são resultados típicos que os consumidores geralmente alcançarão. Os depoimentos não são necessariamente representativos de todos aqueles que usarão nossos produtos e / ou serviços.

Os depoimentos exibidos (texto, áudio e / ou vídeo) são verbais, exceto para a correção de erros gramaticais ou tipográficos. Alguns foram encurtados. Em outras palavras, não é exibida toda a mensagem recebida pelo escritor de testemunho, quando parecia longo ou não o depoimento total parecia relevante para o público em geral.

Ace Trades is not responsible for any of the opinions or comments posted to our site. Ace Trades, is not a forum for testimonials, however provides testimonials as a means for customers to share their experiences with one another. To prevent against abuse, all testimonials appear after they have been reviewed by management of Ace Trades. Commentary of any testimonials on this site, and are strictly the views of the reviewer.

Os resultados passados ​​como representados nestes depoimentos não são necessariamente indicativos de resultados futuros ou sucesso. Os depoimentos podem não ser representativos de todos os estudantes razoavelmente comparáveis. A negociação envolve um risco significativo de perda e pode não ser adequada para todos os investidores.

By reading the following you have understood fully.

Futures trading involves risks, which may include but are not limited to the possible loss of your principle. Acetrades does not claim or guarantee that the formulas and strategies we provide will generate profits for anyone who uses them. Results of trading activity are variable. Performance history is not an indicator of future results.

Acetrades does not offer stock, or futures advice, suggestions, or promote investment in any specific market sector.

Daytrader’s Academy and Acetrades products and services are designed solely to educational and entertainment purposes only. Actual investment decisions are exclusively the prerogative of each investors. We make no representations or claims or guarantees about your results. We are not licensed brokers and our system is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This includes all online trading chat rooms.

By signing up for this course we have agreed to the statements of this disclaimer. Also By Reading this important information you have released Acetrades from any such liability caused through or by gains or losses financially, emotionally, or otherwise experienced or incurred by you. All transactions you choose to engage in with or with out seeking advice from a licensed and qualified financial adviser or entity are your sole responsibility. Any information, opinion, advice or offer posted by any entity logged in at Acetrades chat sites is to be construed as public conversation only. Acetrades gives no assurances regarding the truth, timeliness or good faith of the material posted.

The information is for entertainment purposes only and not intended to provide you with legal or investment advice. You understand that there is a high degree of risk trading futures. This service is provided (AS IS) without warranty of any kind including refunds and or replacement. We will not be responsible for any omissions of information, fitness of purpose or any damages incurred by the content of our literature. The information in our literature is to be used as entertainment purposes only. And any and all of the information provided via live chat or through any correspondence shall be regarded as simulated or hypothetical and is not based on past results of any sort. Nor is it intended to produce future results.

By receiving this message from Acetrades you have committed to the following statements and fully understand the risks involved in trading futures.

By reading the following you have understood fully.

Stock market trading involves risks, which may include but are not limited to the possible loss of your principle. Acetrades or any affiliates does not claim or guarantee that the formulas and strategies we provide will generate profits for anyone who uses them. Results of trading activity are variable. Performance history is not an indicator of future results.

Acetrades or affiliates* does not offer stock, or futures advice, suggestions, or promote investment in any specific market sector.

Acetrades products and services are designed solely to educational and entertainment purposes only. Actual investment decisions are exclusively the prerogative of each investors. We make no representations or claims or guarantees about your results. We are not licensed brokers and our system is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This includes all online trading chat rooms. By reading this document we have agreed to the statements of this disclaimer, you have released Acetrades or any affiliates* from any such liability caused through or by gains or losses financially, emotionally, or otherwise experienced or incurred by you. All transactions you choose to engage in with or with out seeking advice from a licensed and qualified financial adviser or entity are your sole responsibility. Any information, opinion, advice or offer posted by any entity logged in at Acetrades chat sites is to be construed as public conversation only. Acetrades or affiliates* give no assurances regarding the truth, timeliness or good faith of the material posted. The information is for entertainment purposes only and not intended to provide you with legal or investment advice. You understand that there is a high degree of risk trading futures. This service is provided (AS IS) without warranty of any kind including refunds and or replacement. We will not be responsible for any omissions of information, fitness of purpose or any damages incurred by the content of our literature. The information in our literature is to be used as entertainment purposes only. And any and all of the information provided via live chat or through any correspondence shall be regarded as simulated or hypothetical and is not based on past results. Nor is it intended to produce future results.

Past Results are not necessarily indicative of future results. If you can not abide by these disclaimers and are unwilling to accept full responsibility for your actions, please do not use any part of this web site or purchase our course.


O comércio envolve riscos elevados e você pode perder muito dinheiro. When investing in securities you may lose all of the money you invested. When investing in futures you may lose more than the funds you invested.

The following disclaimer is required by the CTFC and may apply:




Nothing in this Website, the Course Manual or accompanying/supplementary Commentary is intended as an encouragement to trade. Only the trader can make that decision based on an informed, objective evaluation of market activity and charting characteristics. Again, the purpose of the Commentary is to explain the observations and judgement that goes into making trading descisions.

Because the market environment is dynamic the trader must be prepared to exercise flexibility as well as sound judgement and skill. That judgement and skill may take many months or years to develop. Because of the financial risk associated with trading the reader is advised to achieve consistent positive paper-trading and simulated trading results before assuming any financial risk inherent in actual trading in the market place. Any and all trades entered into by the Student are at the Student’s total discretion and risk.


The confidentiality and non disclosure agreement is entered into by and between the reader and Acetrades (charting methods) and (techniques). Where as Acetrades is in the business of educating and entertaining. Where as the client has sought out and has contacted Acetrades or associates to teach methods supplied by Acetrades . Where as the client has agreed to pay and Acetrades has accepted the required sums of moneys to proceed with technical analysis entertainment as all described in the above perimeters and on a limited basis. Where as the.

client agrees and understands that the education and entertainment received from Acetrades is one of many possible interpretations of the market understanding and possible directional action and that any of Acetrades methods are used by client at own risk of the undersigned. The client and undersigned understands, confirms, and is aware that he or she is not a professional trader and that such demonstrations and techniques gained are solely for use by the client only. The client further agrees that he or she is not currently engaged in the business of teaching, training or coaching in market knowledge, information, indicators and or technical analysis. The acetrades course offers no refunds of any sort .

The client agrees and acknowledges that Acetrades may and will enforce legal action And Apply Monetary compensation if any of the material provided to client by Acetrades is copied, distributed, shared or made available to any other individual, person, group or entity including electronic or otherwise.

At no time is the information provided by Acetrades to be consruded as anything other than that of entertainment purposes, and at no time will Acetrades make buy and sell recommendations to be taken by any client or otherwise or to be construed as otherwise a buy or sell recommendation. Acetrades methods and or techniques solely and with out any refunds or guarantee of any nature. The client agrees that a signature is fully understanding the above information and further waives and rights to make Acetrades or any affiliates liable by legal or civil actions of any sort. The Client agrees that signatures provided via fax or by original copy has confirmed the originality of this document as well as any moneys received by Acetrades, or Acetrades or any associated or affiliates constitutes further and complete acceptance of this agreement. confirm the acceptance of this contract.

Site Disclaimers, Privacy, and Terms of Use.

Please read this notice and disclaimer carefully before using the Website. Use of the Website or any part of it constitutes irrevocable and unconditional acceptance of your agreement to the terms and conditions outlined below and to be bound by them, as such terms may be modified from time to time. If You are dissatisfied with any portion of the Website or with any or all the terms and conditions below, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Website.

Warning: Legalese ahead. But pay attention anyway! This may be the most important info on the site. We’ve added some non-binding, non-legalistic translations between the paragraphs.

General Terms of Service – Applies to all visitors.

This site may include market analysis and other recommendations. All ideas, opinions, recommendations and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial product advice or an inducement or instruction to invest, trade, and/or speculate in the markets. Any action or refraining from action; investments, trades, and/or speculations made in light of the ideas, opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk an consequence, financial or otherwise. Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we shall not be liable. It shall be your own responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements. Unauthorized use of this website may give to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence. Further, all information contained therein has been obtained from and/or is based upon sources believed to be reliable is deemed to be clear, fair and not misleading but cannot be guaranteed as to correctness, completeness, timeliness, accuracy, quality, reliability, performance, continued availability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement and/or freedom from computer virus. The views and opinions, forecasts, assumptions, estimates and target prices reflected in this material are as of the date indicated and subject to change at any time without prior notice. The figures that may refer to past performance therein are in no instance an indication of future valuations or future performance. We usually endeavor to ensure that the information on the Website is correct, We do not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the material on the Website. ACETRADES may make changes to the material on the Website at any time without notice. The material on the Website may be out of date and We make no commitment to update such material. Without prejudice to the generality of any commentary and other materials posted on the Website are not intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed upon.

Technical analysis published on the Site is provided for information purposes only. In no circumstance does it constitute an offer of sale or the solicitation of offers to purchase the securities mentioned. The information contained in these documents has been obtained from reliable sources, but must not be considered exhaustive. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of ACETRADES.

Site Disclaimers, Privacy, Copyright and Terms of Use.

Please read this notice and disclaimer carefully before using the Website. Use of the Website or any part of it constitutes irrevocable and unconditional acceptance of your agreement to the terms and conditions outlined below and to be bound by them, as such terms may be modified from time to time. If You are dissatisfied with any portion of the Website or with any or all the terms and conditions below, your sole.

and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Website.

Disclaimer and Legalities.



Acetrades reserves any rights to change any of the following, terms, conditions, and notices under the Acetrades website and manuals that is offered.

All contents of the Acetrades WebSite and manuals are: Copyright 2001 – 2014 by Acetrades and Acetrades. Todos os direitos reservados. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their perspective owners. All example companies, organizations, products events or persons depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any mentioned above is intended or should be inferred.

Any rights not granted herein are reserved.


In agreement of your use of the Acetrades Web site and manuals you warrant Acetrades that you will not use this website for any purposes that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices. You may not use Acetrades website or manuals which could damage, disable, stress, impair Acetrades website, chatroom or manuals or interfere with any party’s participation of the Acetrades web site, manuals etc. You agree and knowledge that you will not abuse, harass, stalk, abuse, threaten or any other harmful means of violation to the legal rights of others or Acetrades. You agree not to post, upload, use profanity, obscene, indecent, disseminate or any other fashion of material and information. You shall not upload files containing viruses, corrupt files damaging others computers. No uploading files containing software or other materials protected by property laws unless you have received consent. You shall not conduct or forward surveys, pyramid schemes or chain letters. No collecting information about others including email addresses without consent.

Acetrades has the right to terminate your access to any or all communication services at anytime without notice for any reason. Ace Trades has the reserves the right to disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or government request or to edit, refuse to post or remove any information or materials in Acetrades sole discretion.

When a student takes one of our courses we can not guarantee or have the ability to know who will be successful and who will not. So, we cannot guarantee that you will be successful trading the financial markets. Every student will react different with the information they have learned in the courses. If you put 10 traders in one room each trader will come out with a different result. But you will never know until you try! Furthermore, please note that all our sales are final with NO refunds for ANY REASON! This means if you have purchased any course from Ace Trades and you don’t like it or feel you can’t trade real time , there are NO refunds.

The reason we have a no refund policy is not because we don’t believe our courses are excellent quality with excellent service , the Ace members will certainly tell you the information and delivery of the Ace System is superb. The reason there is no refunds, is in the past we have come across dishonest people who try and copy our materials and then try to get a refund, commit fraud against us, or just plain lack the ability to trade our system and want a refund. You have received all course material in an electronic file which can not be returned.

This example stated is similar as a customer buying a pool cue. His intent is to be a world pro pool player. He buys a high quality pool cue, plays the game of pool for awhile and can not play to his expetations, then decides he doesn’t like the game and blames it on his pool cue. He goes back to the store asking for a refund on his pool que and is denied as the store has a “no refund policy” to protect them from this example. To sum it up the fault is not in the store that sold the pool cue to this customer, but the customer not taking responsibility or reality of their ability and lack of patience to learn how to play a skillful game of pool.

Termos e Condições.

Aviso Legal.

Welcome aboard the Acetrades live signals and training mentorship program. As an Ace member you are entitled to ongoing Training with the group on a regular basis for the duration of your term. Please read and understand the copyright, intellectual information and risks associated with trading the futures market. The information you will be receiving will be supplied without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, and the information is only warranted as is and as available.

Disclaimer of liability.

Nothing in the Acetrades content is provided for any specific purpose or at the request of any particular person. For the avoidance of confusion, we will not be liable for any loss caused as a result of your doing, or not doing, anything as a result of viewing, reading or listening to the Acetrades content or any part of it.

Nothing on this site constitutes personal financial advice. Any advice or information on this website is general advice only – It does not take into account your personal circumstances. Please do not trade or invest based solely on this information. By viewing any material or using the information within this site you agree that this is general education material and you will not hold any person or entity responsible for loss or damages resulting from the content or general advice provided here by Acetrades corp. You are totally responsible for your own investment actions.

Currency trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in currency market. Não troque com dinheiro que não pode perder. Nenhuma representação está sendo feita que qualquer conta será ou provavelmente alcançará lucros ou perdas similares às discutidas em qualquer material neste site. O desempenho passado de qualquer sistema ou metodologia de negociação não é necessariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Politica de reembolso.

Acetrades corp. offers absolutely no money back after the time of purchase. Acetrades corp. will be delivering the course information in good faith from the very beginning in a timely manner just after your purchase. You will be receiving a starting page/information with log in information etc to various online trainings etc. Once again we do not offer any sort of money back guarantee or refunds.


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Ace Trades.

Once you become a member you now have Ace as your trading mentor, and are in the elite group of winning traders!

Ace Trades.

Once you become a member you now have Ace as your trading mentor, and are in the elite group of winning traders!

Ace Trades.

Once you become a member you now have Ace as your trading mentor, and are in the elite group of winning traders!

Join our community and receive free invitations to our live webinars!

By filling out your information and reserving your seat you agree to let Acetrades send updates on upcoming webinars, live events and important market information. You can withdraw your consent anytime. Please refer to our Privacy Policy.


The journey to perfection has been nothing but easy, what has been discovered over the years is something very special. The launch of the Ace program was over 14 years ago, pre 1999 with over 50,000 hours of chart time and we have been teaching the same system since! We are blessed to be able to offer you this information and mentorship program.

The Ace Trades System offers 90% probabilities using 9 Keys that were developed to teach traders how to use proper timing, how to spot price projections for entry’s and exits, how to interpret a range before it happens and not after the fact, and how to look for the big market picture and eliminate small trade mentality.

You will be able to lean on the shoulders of Ace, someone that uses the system successfully. There are no hidden up sells once you join the program, just learning with a great trading community and mentor.

We want our members to be able to use this system on their own and become independent of their trading. That means we don’t use indicators or software; the Ace Trades System uses only price action. You will see the system utilized daily in the signals room, often times you will be taught the system on a live chart as it unfolds in the live class sessions!

We want our members to be confident in making trades; it’s not ideal to risk a lot to make a little. The Ace Trades System offers huge upside potential with minimal risk. Even if you were to lose 60% of your trades you can still be highly profitable with this system!

We strive for simplicity! Our system is easy to learn. Our students are becoming confident in a very short time frame, but the system is only as good as the person using it. The discipline is always up to you, you need to be willing to learn and dedicated to the system. We hear it all the time; the hardest part about the Ace Trades System is unlearning past systems and breaking bad habits. Once you learn the system you are independent of your trading. There is no new update to wait for, or person to depend on.


The greatest reward is watching our members succeed.


Does Your current trading system give you.

5-20 E-mini SP points per day?

What To Expect In Your FREE Trial.

How the Ace Trades System of 90% probabilities will identify and profit from huge market intra-day swings.

See how you can profit from huge market swings with super tight risk.

Meet a group of traders that take advantage of the markets put the Ace Trades System to the test everyday.

Ace will demonstrate how to call in the direction of the trend long in advanced before the market turns.

Learn to save ten's of thousands with the Game Plan/Business Plan.

By filling out your information and reserving your seat you agree to let Acetrades send updates on upcoming webinars, live events and important market information. You can withdraw your consent anytime. Please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Click though some of our Frequently Asked Questions.

Click Here to view additional FAQ.


Once you become a member you now have Ace as your trading mentor, and are in the elite group of winning traders!

The course is held in a private room so you can learn in real market time. While viewing Ace’s charts, you can learn the Ace Key elements continually. With on going class sessions you can actually work with ACE live and reinforce your training consensus 100 percent. It is truly an amazing training tool. Our students are becoming confident in a very short time frame, but the discipline is always up to you.

Once you become an ACE member you are now part of the group for either 1 Year or 6 months. Actual class sessions are held in the morning during live market hours so you can view and learn the methodology as it’s happening.


Ace Trades 9 Key System.

You will quickly understand the power of price action and how to designate proper price targets of 2-4-10-20 even up to 200 point market price targets with ease. Learn the best risk management system… You can lose over 50% of your trades and still successful! Price magnets for entry and exits. Looking for the right side before the news. The big market picture and elimination of small trade mentality. Price Projections for entry’s and exits. How to interpret a range day before it happens and not after! Understanding support and resistance areas.

Live Chat Room.

Private VIP members only trading room. Belong to a successful trading community that post their winnings on a daily basis in the Ace Members room throughout many markets Learn with confidence with other individuals like yourself.

Daily Live Educational Training.

AM live signals room with ACE reading the charts to you and calling the ACE signals. Live scheduled training on a weekly basis to learn and reinforce the Ace 9 keys. Learn how to assess, analyze and execute profitable trades with confidence. Live question and answer in class time sessions.

24 Hour Access.

24 hour access to the Ace Trades 9 Keys that Ace has taught for the past 14 Years! Welcome package introducing you to the Ace Methodology including video Trainings Over 200 chart examples to refer back on as you earn the Ace System.


6 Months Diamond Package.

24 hour access to the Ace Trades 9 Keys that Ace has taught for the past 14 Years! Daily morning commentary in the Ace Signals Room (an invaluable source of information) Live scheduled training on a weekly basis to learn and reinforce the Ace 9 keys Training sessions that will outline the trades called that morning! Welcome package introducing you to the Ace Methodology including video Trainings Learn the best risk management system…You can lose over 50% of your trades and still be successful! Over 200 chart examples to refer back on as you learn the Ace System.

Nothing in the Acetrades content is provided for any specific purpose or at the request of any particular person. For the avoidance of confusion, we will not be liable for any loss caused as a result of your doing, or not doing, anything as a result of viewing, reading or listening to the Acetrades content or any part of it.

Nothing on this site constitutes personal financial advice. Any advice or information on this website is general advice only – It does not take into.

account your personal circumstances. Please do not trade or invest based solely on this information. By viewing any material or using the information within this site you agree that this is general education material and you will not hold any person or entity responsible for loss or damages resulting from the content or general advice provided here by Acetrades corp. You are totally responsible for your own investment actions.

Currency trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in currency market. Não troque com dinheiro que não pode perder. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve.

profits or losses similar to those discussed in any material on this website. O desempenho passado de qualquer sistema ou metodologia comercial não é necessariamente.

indicative of future results. Politica de reembolso.

Acetrades corp. offers absolutely no money back after the time of purchase. Acetrades corp. will be delivering the course information in good faith from the very beginning in a timely manner just after your purchase. You will be receiving a starting page/information with log in information etc to various.

online trainings etc. Once again we do not offer any sort of money back guarantee or refunds. Cadastro.

You may access areas of the Acetrades site that require registration by becoming a registered member and creating an account with us. You agree to be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your passwords or other account identifiers which you choose and all activities that occur under your account. By registering on the Acetrades Site, you agree that:(i) your account and password are personal to you and may not be used by anyone else to access the Acetrades Site;

(ii) you will not do anything which would assist anyone who is not a registered user to gain access to any registration area of the Acetrades Site;You agree to notify us immediately if you become aware any unauthorised use of your password or account identifiers by others.


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total waste of money.

he only takes credit for the big moves after the facts, he calls out a number on the chart, if it doesn't work out he stays quiet, if any time later the market turns around and moves far away, he takes credit for it, you supposed to just get back in, because he called out that number. again if the market moves 100 ticks, he takes credit for all of it, but he doesn't call out the number with a 1 point SL and a 100 tick TP.

do not fall for it.

I also tried they're day/swing trading signals for the180$ a month and found these to be not good either. My reason is that they change the entry price to frequently and simply change their minds all together on a trade idea after you have already entered into the trade on behalf of one of their signals/recommendations. This happen to me repeatedly.

Overall not worth the money.

I wrote about it to the company, they answered that the volatility is high, but with the trial version they gave all right signals, but on the next day, the whole week long false signals.

I found it very unreliable, I don`t want to see those signals any more.

Main experience is with the intraday signal. Am a trader for 10yrs.

Impression : if u know how to trade, then the 250usd (12 mth 30% discount) is worthwhile for someone to generate legit signals which u use with discretion according to your risk/reward. afterall if u know how to trade u should be able to pick 2-3 trades from them per mth which would have covered the cost. the benefit : less stress trying to pick trades, and managing posn (which is one thing i like abt them: they will pull /amend trade real time).

Not sure how useful it is for novice traders.

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